  • 學位論文


Cross-boundary Governance of Taipei Metro Transit System─A Transaction Cost Perspective

指導教授 : 彭錦鵬


隨著大臺北都會區型態逐漸成型,促使捷運建設成為臺北都會區內跨域治理的核心議題之一;茲因臺北市與新北市同為臺北捷運管轄地方主管機關,均期透過捷運路網串聯進而達成雙北一體均衡發展的目標。惟經由歷年經驗檢視,諸多事實業已說明兩市並未能處於相互對等之主導地位,甚至因此衍生諸多制度障礙不利雙方合作。爰此,本論文透過交易成本理論變項,分從捷運「規劃-興建階段」及「營運階段」著手觀察,試圖釐清交易成本如何影響跨域治理模式之選擇。 本文透過「資產專用性」、「交易頻率」及「不確定性」等經濟理性變項操作,發現雙北面臨捷運議題所採跨域治理模式與互動態樣,常因未能妥善整合而徒增無謂交易成本,顯然已無法如跨域治理理論所期待。然而,何以實務與學理之間會出現如此落差?本文透過實證訪談過程,發現地方政府主體經常可見受制於「黨政因子」、「議會監督」、「地方利益團體」及「財政預算」等政治理性變項的紛擾,被迫在捷運決策過程須以地方主體利益進行本位思考。 如今,鑒於雙北已儼然形成雙邊治理模式,為能符合交易成本理論假設及法制規範,本文從降低合作交易成本的角度提出「功能性整併」可行方向作為未來制度變革基礎;盼能藉由研究建議創造制度誘因空間,進而輔助雙北捷運跨域治理達成效益極大化之最終目的。


Taipei Metro System was built around the development of Taipei city and gradually expanded to New Taipei City jurisdiction. Early stage metro system was heavily invested by Taipei City and cumulated enormous metro system expertise and human resources for Taipei City. The financial structure was dominated by Taipei City government that New Taipei City tries to change the controlling power of the system as it is aggressively plan and construct new metro lines. This paper analyzes "planning-construction stage" and "operation stage" of the metro system development, using the transaction cost theory. Through analysing the variables of economic rationality such as "asset specificity", "frequency of transactions" and "development uncertainty", this paper finds that the models of cross-boundary governance and interactive patterns adopted by the two cities on the metro issues could not be integrated properly. Interviews with stakeholders of the two local governments and central government reveals that the metro system development were restricted by political factors, such as "party factor", "parliamentary oversight", "local interest groups" and "budget". Both cities were forced to be self-centred for local stakeholders in the decision-making process for the metro system. Taipei City and New Taipei City maintain a bilateral governance model for the past years. Based on the perspective of reducing transaction costs it is suggested that "functional consolidation" for future institutional changes be considered and adopted. It is hoped that by creating institutional incentives with holistic perspective can the benefit of cross-boundary governance for Taipei Metro System be maximised.


