  • 學位論文


The Research on the Practicality of the Cross-Strait “Confidence-Building Measures” From the View of the Essence of Military Force

指導教授 : 蕭全政


信心建立措施,冷戰時期歐洲用以確保美蘇兩極對抗架構下,北約和華約之間緊張狀態下,減少因誤判、誤解、不預期因素而產生之危機與衝突事件,避免事態進一步升級為全面之戰爭的機制;「信心建立措施」的前提是當事國具有良好的意願,願意放棄某些立場與權益,以達成彼此間互信之建立。惟「信心建立措施」無強制約束力,僅是一種屬於意向性質之鬆散規範,其基礎建立在雙方自我的約束與配合,端視當事國之誠意多寡;因之,僅能在平時無爭端的穩定狀態下始可運作順利。 在今日全球化架構下的國際社會,亦即傳統安全為重心之國際事務,已經轉變為以「經濟」為主,軍事權力在各項國際政治議題中之重要性已落入後面之排名。儘管最初中共疑懼「信心建立措施」係西方先進國家用以確保其既得利益的國際建制,故極度反對採用歐洲式的「信心建立措施」,但隨著中國接觸國際社會的頻率越高,中共發現「信心建立措施」是用以實現其「和平崛起/和平發展」的有效手段,符合其新安全觀的概念,便開始積極推廣和亞太地區周邊國家之雙邊或單邊之「信心建立措施」,以為中國增添了正面的國際形象。 1996飛彈危機之後,中華民國方面視兩岸「信心建立措施」為消弭兩岸軍事緊張與潛在危機的機制,開始研究與倡議兩岸「信心建立措施」之推動。李登輝總統主政時期,曾將兩岸「信心建立措施」納入在國統綱領的架構下討論,曾將「信心建立措施」視做兩岸政治互動與談判中的一項議題。陳水扁政府時期,則提出「海峽行為準則」,其立場較偏向於兩個對等之政治實體的關係處理兩岸「信心建立措施」。馬英九政府時期,其兩岸政策之原則為暫時擱置爭議,而尋求事務性的協商,在各種向大陸方面提出的事務性議題中,兩岸「信心建立措施」亦為其中的一個項目。 中共對於兩岸「信心建立措施」的看法係認為,只有一種狀況下始有洽談的空間,那就是在「一個中國」的原則底下,如此才能將兩岸「信心建立措施」框架在「國內事務」之中,此外,兩岸應先簽署「結束敵對狀態」條款,才可續談兩岸「信心建立措施」,換言之,兩岸「信心建立措施」必須在政治協商的架構下進行。 但在美中台複雜多變的結構因素下,作為等主權國家為主體的「信心建立措施」,在套用兩岸分裂分治之特殊條件與形勢時,其所產生之窒礙與扞格難以克服。而軍事武力是國家主權的維護工具,也是國家主權的象徵,具有高度的政治性,使得兩岸在處理這方面的議題時,無法如經濟、文化等,能夠在迴避主權爭議的情況下進行實務上的磋商。一旦涉及兩岸軍事事務的正式接觸,則象徵著彼此已經承認對方為具有主權與治權的政治實體,換言之,兩岸要在雙方「主權」歧見上獲得根本的解決的前提下,方才有順利實施的可能。惟有在政治對於兩岸現狀的定位上得到一致的共識,兩岸才有洽談「信心建立措施」的空間與可能性。


何啟聖 軍事武力 信心


ABSTRACT The Research on the Practicality of the Cross-Strait “Confidence-Building Measures” From the View of the Essence of Military Force by CHI-SHENG HO August 2010 ADVISOR:CHYUAN-JENQ SHIAU, Ph.D. DEPARTMENT: POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR:GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS DEGREE: MASTER OF ARTS KEY WORD: confidence-building measures, military mutual trust, cross-strait relation, peaceful rise, military force, One-China principle, 92 consensus. During Cold War era, U.S. and Soviet were in a confrontational mode. At that time, the aims of confidence-building measures is to reduce misjudgments, misunderstandings and unexpected evens between NATO and Warsaw Pact states ,thus to avoid further escalation of the situation to full-scale war . "Confidence-building measures" on the premise that the parties have good intentions, willing to give up some of the positions and interests to achieve the establishment of mutual trust between each other. But confidence-building measures without binding force. Based only on the establishment of self-restraint and cooperation, depending on the sincerity of the parties .Thus, it is only operational in peaceful and stable state. Under the global architecture of international community today. Traditional security focus of international affairs has been changed to the economy ones. The importance of military agenda in the international political issues have been falling behind. Despite initial doubts and fears that confidence-building measures is the system with which western countries protect their vested interests, China has found that confidence-building mechanism is useful instrument to achieve its object of "peaceful rise / peaceful development" and consistent with the concept of its new security concept. It began to promote the bilateral or unilateral confidence-building measures with Asia-Pacific and neighboring countries, thus added positive international image. After the 1996 missile crisis, Republic of China deem the confidence-building measures the mechanism to eliminate the potential risk of cross-strait military tension and began to study the possibility of initiating cross-strait confidence building measures. Ex-president Lee Teng-hui government had included the negotiation of cross-strait confidence-building measures into the framework of the Guidelines for National Unification. Lee Teng-hui government deemed the confidence-building measures as a subject of cross-strait negotiation. Ex-Chen Shui-bian government then had put forward "Code of cross-strait Conduct ". It’s position tends to treat two sides of Taiwan strait as equal political entities.The principle of cross-strait policy of incumbent Ma Ying-jeou government is to shelve disputes, seeking practical negotiations. Confidence-building measures is one of various practical negotiation items. From China's point of view, cross-strait confidence-building measures system is negotiable only under the "one China" principle, which will put negotiation under "domestic affairs" framework. In addition, both sides should sign "end of hostilities," the terms can be added on cross-strait confidence building measures. In other words, cross-strait confidence building measures must be conducted within the framework of political consultations. In view of the complicated relationship of US-China-Taiwan. Confidence building measures, which are based on sovereignty states , when applied to the special situations of both sides, the difficulties are hard to overcome. The military force is not only the instrument of protecting national sovereignty, but also symbol of national sovereignty, are highly political . It can not, such as economic and cultural issues generally, be able to avoid the dispute over sovereignty in the conduct of practice consultations. When it comes to formal contact of cross-strait military affairs. It symbolizes the two sides have recognized each other as sovereign political entities with administrative power. In other words, only when the fundamental difference about "sovereignty" be resolved, then negotiation is possible. Only two sides reached consensus on cross-strait status quo , it is possible to discuss confidence building measur


CHI-SHENG HO Military Force Confidence


Huntington, Samuel P., 1998,《文明衝突與世界秩序的重建》,台北:聯經
