  • 學位論文


Improvement of Service Quality of Taiwan Herb Garden by Six Sigma Concept

指導教授 : 張祖亮


服務業近幾年來蓬勃發展,其GDP 產值比重已高達73%以上,從業人口約占就業人數的5成8。其中,休閒服務業更呈現倍數成長,足見其重要性,說明臺灣已經進入服務業經濟時代。最近6年來,隨著我國農業因應加入WTO後而轉型,加上週休二日制的實施,臺灣香草園迅速崛起,在休閒農業中佔有重要的地位。惟由於香草園之間具有高度的同質性、替代性的特質,在面對激烈的競爭環境,如何提昇服務品質是所有問題的核心。因此,本研究應用六標準差(6σ)的方法,提出改善香草園的服務品質並提昇競爭力之對策。首先用Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry的服務品質模式(簡稱PZB服務品質模式),設計服務品質問卷項目,並以量表為基礎,調查顧客對各項休閒服務項目的重視度與滿意度。再將量表平均值轉成指標值,以重視度指標為縱座標,滿意度指標為橫座標,定義出一個以量表為基礎的服務績效評估矩陣。接著根據各服務項目的指標值落點,找出顧客高重視但低滿意的服務項目,定義改善的重點。在衡量的部分,則提出一個以顧客的重視度與滿意度差距大小為衡量標準的衡量模式,並定義出一個衡量指標,且針對這個指標提出一套客觀評估方法與程序。接著分析顧客不滿意的要因,找出改善方法,最後由管制績效模式監控香草園的服務品質。 本研究以「香草故鄉」臺中縣新社鄉的A家香草園為研究個案,並選擇當地B、C家香草園作為相對性的比較基礎,幫助A家香草園能夠更明確且客觀的透過顧客的心聲定義出關鍵問題點。本次問卷調查共發出330份問卷,有效樣本數分別為A家香草園為96份、B家香草園為93份、C家香草園為100份,共計289份,調查日期為96年7月1日至96年7月22日。問卷調查後透過績效評估矩陣及點線距離的比較,明確定義出其中的服務要項16「詳細解說香草的特性、栽培、功能與作用」係A家香草園的關鍵問題點,亟需優先改善,接著進行特性要因圖的問題分析,以及相關係數矩陣的改善作業。 本研究經過分析改善策略之後,即要求A家香草園針對此關鍵策略確實執行「詳細解說香草的特性、栽培、功能與作用」之改善,經實施上述改善策略後,本研究於96年11 月24日再進行一次問卷調查,有效樣本數49份,經計算出改善後的K值已由原先的2.092降為1.051,落於接受區內。亦即,實施相關的改善策略後,K值已降低,即表示顧客重視度與顧客滿意度越趨接近。如此,在確定異常產品服務項目皆修正在理想範圍後,則A家香草園即可依所訂定之標準作業程序與知識管理標準化,落實執行並確保控制成效。 透過此次的分析和研究,已建立一套適用於香草園服務產業的績效評估標準作業流程,可用以維持、控制服務品質,相信面對未來激烈的競爭環境,俾可提昇競爭力,同時也可藉著問題改善以調整香草園栽培的方向,並配合標準化作業流程以落實園藝技術,達到創造經營的佳績。


香草 香草園 服務品質 六標準差 評估


The flourishing development of the service industry makes GDP over 73% in recent years. About 58% of the employment population serve this industry. The leisure service industry, in particular grows by multiple revealing its significant importance. As there is a feature of high homogeneity and substitution in the same trade, the core issue lies on enhancement of service quality in an environment of keen competition. As a result, six sigma (6σ) is applied in this research to improve service quality and increase competitiveness of the leisure industry. First, the service quality model proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (PZB model for short) is utilized to design the items in the service quality questionnaire. Importance and satisfaction of each service item perceived by customers are based for the scale, whose means are further converted to indexes. Thus, a scale-based service performance evaluation matrix with indices of importance as the Y-axis and those of satisfaction as the X-axis is defined. Then, service factors of high importance and low satisfaction are located and defined for improvement in accordance with the index location of each service factor. A measurement model based on the difference between customers’ importance and satisfaction is proposed and a measurement index is defined for an objective evaluation method and procedures. Next, factors of customer dissatisfaction are analyzed and improvement methods are devised. Finally, herb garden service quality is monitored by the performance control model. This paper is a case study on a herb garden A, located at so called Herb Township(Shinshou Township) in Taichung County. Comparisons were made with the other two herb gardens B and C, their locations are close to A, to identify crucial problems clearly and positively expressed by customer. For the survey, a total of 330 copies of questionnaire were issued where 289 were effective copies; 96 were from A, 93 from B and 100 from C, respectively. Survey was made from 2007/7/1 to 2007/7/22. The questionnaires were compared using the performance evaluation matrix and the distance far away from the expected results. The 16th service item: the detailed explanations of the herb characteristic, culture, function and application , was identified to be the crucial problems of herb garden A . It is necessary to be improved first . The cause and effect diagram presented is used to analyze major factors of customer dissatisfaction and improvement strategies are devised by the correlation coefficient matrix. After the improvement strategy, the herb garden A is requested to carry out the crucial strategy to give the detail explanations on improvements on herb characteristic, culture, function and application. For this research, questionnaires were issued once on 2007/11/24 with 49 effective returns. The calculated K value after improvement is shown to drop from 2.092 to 1.051. This value is found to be in the acceptance area. After implementing the related improvement strategies and with a low K value, customer importance and customer satisfactions are increasingly closer. So after finding an abnormal product service and changes made in an ideal range, the herb garden A can then follow the standardized procedure and knowledge management to implement which can ensure effective control. After these analysis and research, the standard performance evaluation was developed suitable for the herb garden service industry which can be used to maintain and control service quality. This will increase competitiveness in face of fierce competitions in the near future. At the same time, the improvements also made the herb gardener to achieve and to match standardized procedures used in horticultures for successful management.


herb herb garden service quality six sigma evaluation


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