  • 學位論文


The Business Model and Development Strategy for the Everyday English Search Engine Website

指導教授 : 游張松






The rapidly rising English learning trend in Taiwan has stimulated the bloom of the English learning market. Numerous magazines, cram schools and television programs are created to serve this need. The Web in Taiwan, however, has not reflected as much action of this growth as traditional media. Traditional media, such as books and magazines, still constitute most of the resources for learning English. The project in this thesis is therefore an effort to provide useful and dynamic English learning resources on the Web to make learning more accessible and instant. The VEPS theory, adopted in this research, is a means to thoroughly plan and assess Information Infrastructure (a concept that applies computer communication technologies to establish a channel for public access and information exchange.) The acronym VEPS stands for Vision, Environment, Positioning, and Strategy. Aside from the business gain, this website will provide tremendous service to the Taiwanese population and even the English speaking people in their understanding of different cultures. Its capacity to bridge people and cultures is without a doubt extremely valuable.


Everyday English VEPS Business Model


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