  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 曾弘智 陳昭郎


本研究主要在了解台灣休閒牧場的投入背景與經營現況,以明瞭在台灣畜牧型休閒農場的經營可行性,及分析不同種類間休閒牧場的重要關鍵成它]素;並以個案研究方法探討某農場的遊客至該農場遊憩體驗的因素、動機及滿意度與認知落差之相關性,並評估個案農場的經營成效。 結果顯示,以四家調查農民的動機類型中皆為多重投入動機類型,最初投入 動機明顯受到畜牧業養殖背景所影響,而與教育程度是否與農業無關。農戶投入畜牧型休閒農場的決策過程具有個別性差異,調查每家休閒牧場皆無因開放休閒經營後改變消毒防疫措施。大部分為自己摸索技術或知識,並仰賴顧客的口碑宣傳。本研究將調查農場分成「綜合體驗型」和「生活體驗型」兩類,分析所面臨的產業環境大致有產品線廣度、土地規模、區位條件、產品主題特色、農場整體規劃設計、活動企劃執行、服務人員態度及衛生防疫維護,共八項基本要素。 以生產力調查分析金雞蛋休閒牧場,休閒化經營後雖使生產率受到影響,略低於一般的產蛋率,但以設計體驗活動導入遊客遊憩,反增加10倍以上收入。此外遊客的問卷分析顯示,在遊客的動機需求方面最主要為「遠離人群,接近大自然」及「促進與同伴相處機會」二項,遊客的人口統計變數中的「教育程度」與「年齡」對遊憩動機的影響有顯著差異。遊客獲得的體驗內容主要為「增進朋有與親子感情」、「鬆弛精神」二項。 在研究之假設驗證中顯示:遊客在認知體驗上的期望與實際知覺有顯著正相關存在,遊客體驗與遊客的遊憩動機間亦有顯著性的相關性,且對遊客滿意度的影響亦有顯著的直接效果;但遊憩體驗對遊客重遊意願間的預測力並不顯著,但因為遊客滿意度與重遊意願有顯著性的直接效果之影響,所以遊客體驗會透過滿意度而對重遊意願產生出間接性的影響效果。最終遊憩動機與遊客滿意度均會對遊客重遊意願有直接的顯著影響,且遊憩動機與遊憩體驗兩項均會透過遊客滿意度而對遊客重遊意願產生顯著的影響效果。


遊客體驗 遊客動機 經營 休閒牧場 滿意


This study has been conducted to show the feasibility of dude rancher resorts in Taiwan and to explore the key success factors in various farm resorts by studying their histories and present management status. Using the case study method, explored the visiting inducements to the visitors and their satisfactory degrees between visiting experience and initial expectation to the selected farm. Further, its management result has been assessed at the same time, too. The research results show that the motive of dude rancher resorts for the managers in the four interviewed farm resorts is the same – multiple-motive type. Obviously, it’s the result under the influence of their past animal husbandry experience, nothing to do with any agriculture educational background. As to the decision-making processes for investing farm resorts, they are quite different. The research results also show that no change has been made in sanitation methods and epidemic prevention after their changes of business style. Most ranchers learn techniques and knowledge alone and rely on their visitors’ praise to public. In this study, the farm resorts are divided into comprehensive experience type and farm life experience type. There are eight basic factors involved in this kind of business, including product lines, land scope, site, themes, farm designs, activities, services and sanitation and so on. The investigation shows that egg production decreases in case farm after its change of business style; while its benefit increases about 10 fold. Moreover, the visitors’ questionnaires show that major inducements to them are “closeness to nature”, “relaxation” and “more time to be with friends and families”. The data also indicates that education levels and ages involve significantly in visiting motifs. Most visitors’ experience show that coming to lesiure farm could get relaxation and have family or friends together. The results suggest a significant relationship between visitors’expectation and visiting experience. And that directly interact with satisfaction in relationship between visitors’ motive and initial experience. Visitors’ satisfactory degrees can influence visitors’ visiting experience indirectly on the evaluation of revisiting. Finally, the visitors’ revisiting is under significant influence of visitors’ satisfaction, which has obvious interact with visitors’ motives and visiting experience.


dude ranches satisfactiory management


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