  • 學位論文


The "Public" in local community network formation.

指導教授 : 劉可強
共同指導教授 : 張聖琳


臺灣自1994年起推動「社區總體營造」政策,政府透過補助計畫挹注資源,鼓勵鄰里、生活圈的居民及其組織參與、自決公共事務,藉此培養更多的公民(citizen),促成臺灣各地鄰里或生活圈地域範圍形成更多具備社區感之社區。 本論文以各種社區總體營造案例中發生的”公共溝通”、”公共領域”為研究對象,釐清臺灣社會文化脈絡在社區營造工作中對公共領域所起的作用,以及社區營造政策目標所援引的西方”公共性”、”公共領域”概念與實際社區營造案例中觀察所得的公共溝通實況所存在的差異。 社區營造中包括積極的公民站出來推動社區反對運動、自主性地向政府單位申請執行社區營造補助計畫,以及專業者協助舉辦參與式規劃設計等等,透過這些不同的行動同樣「形構」了社區的雛形。藉由居民現身抵抗不當的都市計畫政策、反對環境開發或站出來為環境保護議題發聲,參與創建在地產業、投入採訪編輯社區報,以及熱情的專業者穿梭於一般庶民與專業技術之間,建立起能夠被社會大眾所認知、在特定地理位置上的社區。 而各種社區營造工作中採用之審議式民主、網絡治理及組織社團的方法與行動,則是以多層次事緣社群(interest community, interest group)交錯協力的形態,「組構」了社區更充實的內涵。透過有意識地邀請各種不同群體組織,分組討論、貢獻各自社團的專長技術,或是組合成為新的社群,這些動態的網絡組構成存異共存的社區共同體,反映出”社區”是由多樣”社群”組構而成。 臺灣社會存在有深厚的東方社會的群我關係觀,社會結構深深影響著社區營造關於追求理性公共領域、市民社會(civil society)目標的節奏與成果。本研究指認出臺灣社區營造中,既存於社會文化中的結構與社群網絡關係對社區營造公共性的實踐與建立具有深刻的影響。是「結構」影響了臺灣社區營造工作推行中的”公共領域”,雖然這幾年來的社區營造工作確實「形構」了地方社區共同體雛形,但如果要讓社區營造更進一步地轉型躍昇,應該特別理解並重視各式各樣社群「組構」社區的認知與方法,也可說是認識臺灣社會關係文化底蘊並藉此再結構社區。


Taiwan central government launched “Community Empowerment” policy since 1994. It encourages residents and organizations of neighborhoods everywhere in Taiwan to participate in public affairs and make public decisions by themselves. The policy wants to empower more people to become “citizens” by giving communities who propose their working proposals. The main goal of the policy is to transform more and more neighborhoods into communities. This thesis discusses “public communication” and “public sphere” in many kinds of community empowerment projects. It points out the affection from Chinese and Taiwan cultural content and the differences between western “publicness” and the experiences of Taiwan’s community empowerment projects. Community against movements, running projects allowanced from governments, and holding participatory design workshops by professionals are three kinds of community empowerment that help establishing the sense of the community and shaping the beginning of the community. Some communities are formed by residents’ standing out to fight for the unreasonable develop policy or environment protection. Others are formatted by gathering residents to create local community industry or publish local newspapers through themselves. The others are recognized as a community because of getting the assistance from the professionals. After these different works, more and more neighborhoods are known as “community”. Concepts “deliberative democracy”, “network governance” and “community figuration” are taken in many community empowerment cases. Communities are figurated by multi-leveled supports from different kinds of “interest groups”. They invited different groups skilled in different fields, discussed public affairs together, learned from each other, and sometimes merged into a new association. These dynamic networking really help form communities and show us communities are composed with a great diversity of interests groups. There is a strong traditional Eastern idea about social relationship in Taiwan. This special kind of social structure are deeply influence the pursuit of the rational public sphere and civil society which is the maintarget ofcommunity empowerment policy. This research identified the existing social-cultural structure and the interest community network have profound impacts on the practice of the community public. “Structure” affected the reality of “public sphere” occurred in Taiwan’s community empowerment works. Although the past few years of community development work is indeed "shaped configuration" prototype community of local communities. But if we want the community empowerment to create a further transition jump, should pay special attention to the cognitive understanding and methods of the "figuration" by a wide range of interest communities. It can be said that understanding the content of Taiwan's social relations and cultural heritage is the base to re-structure the neighborhoods as communities.


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