  • 學位論文


R&D Cooperation Strategies And the Failure of Innovation —Evidence from Innovative Firms in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林惠玲


本研究的主要目的在於探討台灣技術創新廠商的研發與創新行為。我們主要利用國科會企劃處2007年「台灣地區第二次產業創新活動調查研究」的資料,來探討廠商在選擇是否進行合作,或是決定合作研發策略(包括垂直合作、水平合作與機構合作)的影響因素,以及探究研發合作策略是否會影響創新活動的失敗。在研究方法上,採用兩階段法進行實證分析,第一階段為Multivariate Probit Model,第二階段採用Probit Model。 本文定義創新活動失敗為廠商在93~95三年間曾終止進行或拖延任何的創新活動,研究時將廠商分為製造業與服務業,以探討合作研發與創新活動失敗間的關係。實證結果顯示,就製造業而言,當廠商進行研發合作將會增加創新失敗的可能性,若進一步探討不同的合作策略,當廠商採取單一的垂直或水平合作則創新活動較不易失敗,而若同時進行水平與機構的合作研發方式,會減輕創新失敗的機率;就服務業而言,當廠商同時進行垂直與機構或是同時採取水平與機構的混合合作方式,亦會降低創新失敗的可能性。此外,不論是製造業或是服務業廠商,流入外溢效果會減輕創新失敗的機率,而就研發支出而言,對於創新活動失敗的影響製造業呈現倒U字型,服務業則呈現U型的特性。再者,實證結果顯示當某種資訊來源流入的外溢效果愈大時,合作研發廠商愈可能進行該類型的合作研發方式,且不同合作研發策略之間具有互補性的關係,且規模愈大的廠商愈會進行合作研發。最後,本研究特別針對中小企業做進一步的分析與討論,所得的結論與上述相類似。


By analyzing the newly collected data from 2007 Taiwan Technological Innovation Survey, we explore the determinants for innovative firms to engage in R&D cooperation with four types of decisions, including non-corporation, vertical cooperation, horizontal cooperation, and institutional cooperation. In addition, we identify the impact of heterogeneities in the determinants on the failure of innovating activities. We use Multivariate Probit Model and Probit Model. It is likely to succeed in innovating activities when the firms adopt vertical cooperation, horizontal cooperation, or horizontal and institutional cooperation together for manufacture sectors. Meanwhile, it is favorable to choose vertical cooperation and institutional cooperation jointly or horizontal cooperation and institutional cooperation jointly for service sectors. Moreover, the failure of innovating activities is affected by incoming spillover effects and the R&D expenditure across manufacture and service sectors. In the empirical model of cooperative decision, we find that the determinants of R&D cooperation include incoming spillover effects and firm size, and that there exist complementarities between vertical cooperation, horizontal cooperation, and institutional cooperation. Finally, we do further research on the small and medium enterprise, and obtain the similar results.


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