  • 學位論文


Two-State Trap-Assisted Tunneling Current Phenomenon in Al2O3/SiO2/4H-SiC Stacked Device

指導教授 : 胡振國




In this thesis, we explain the two-state trap-assisted tunneling current phenomenon in Al2O3/SiO2/4H-SiC stacked device. In the high-k/SiO2 stacked dielectric MOS capacitor, it is believed that the defects associated with the oxygen vacancies were formed during high-k dielectric preparation, which may affect the trap-assisted tunneling current of the device. Wide bandgap material was utilized as substrate in our work for its considerable amount of interface states which are important to enhance the effect of trapped charges on the tunneling current. Two-state current behavior was clearly observed. After that, the two-state current conduction phenomenon was also explored by varying the process conditions of dielectric preparation. All the devices exhibited obvious two-state current conduction behavior under I–V measurements. The threshold voltage of trap-assisted tunneling current conduction in the devices with Al2O3 layer prepared by HNO3 oxidation occurred at a smaller voltage than that by anodization; additionally, the former could be reset after positive bias stress with very small reset current but the latter could not. Meanwhile, the sample in SiO2 formation without UV light illumination exhibited faster electrical reset speed than that with UV light illumination. The results show that different dielectric layer preparations strongly affect the characteristics of two-state current conduction in our Al2O3/SiO2/4H-SiC stacked device. With further investigation of reset process, the two-state phenomenon induced by trap-assisted tunneling current was demonstrated to be related to the oxygen vacancy. The energy level of the dominant trap extracted from the time variations of gate currents is mainly caused by the oxygen vacancy in the Al2O3 layer, which involves capture and emission of the electron by neutral oxygen vacancy (V0, V0 + e− → V− → V0 + e− ). The state ‘1’ gate current changes and saturates with time, but even the saturation value can still be distinguished from the state ‘0’ current. Reliable endurance of this device was shown for possible memory application.


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