  • 學位論文

關係與道德臉面: 關係與道德臉面:關係他人失德事件對個人面子感受的影響

Relationship and moral face: The influence of relational other's negative moral incidents on individual feelings of face

指導教授 : 黃光國




When a significant other, such as father, teacher …etc., violates moral rule, an individual may also lose face. This phenomenon is treated as “face-sharing” in this research. A review of literature on Chinese concept of face shows that the extent of face-sharing may vary with the intimacy of relationship between the dyad of interaction. This research was aimed to study whether am individual only shares face with a person of a specific relationship in the particular type of negative moral incidents, and what tactics she/he might use to maintain her/his own face in order to restore the feeling of losing face for related other’s behavior. This research was divided into two parts. By a comparison between “teacher-student” and “father-son” relationships, study I inquires the influence of related other’s violating “family ethics” on one's feeling of face-sharing. By comparing the relationships of “teacher-student” and classmates, study II studied the effect of related other’s violating morality on face-sharing outside the family. The results showed that: In the negative moral incident of violating “family ethics”, an individual only shares face with members in the family, then will not share face with others outside the family. In summary, for Chinese people, face-sharing and face-maintaining are influenced not only by the native of dyad relationship, but also by the substantive contents of moral incidents. The moral views of Confucianism may influence Chinese how to perceive persons in relation and how to maintain one's own psychosocial homeostasis.


moral type moral face guanxi type face maintenance


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