  • 學位論文


Application of Web GIS for teaching Senior High School Geography

指導教授 : 賴進貴


95與99年地理科課程綱要強調地理技能的運用,特別是地圖使用和地理資訊系統(geographic information system, GIS)的引入。核心目標是讓學生能運用上述GIS知識和工具思考與解決地理問題。 課程綱要實行至今,國內在GIS軟硬體設備和各種教育訓練課程中投入的資源甚巨。但是教師對GIS融入教學、軟體操作尚難以掌握。主要的原因有課堂中操作GIS軟體的技術門檻較高、師生缺少足夠的教學時間、商業級GIS套裝軟體和配套之電腦設備要價昂貴等。對於GIS融入地理科教學有所限制。 另一方面,許多教師意識到上述的限制,所以將Google Earth或Google Map等免費軟體或網路資源導入教學的應用快速普及。這些網路資源和免費軟體的優點是結合大量高解析度遙測影像和向量圖資(如行政界與道路網)。但是嚴格的GIS定義包括對地理資料的運算與分析能力,不論Google Earth和Google Map都有欠缺和局限之處。 為了處理這些問題,本研究開發一個網路GIS平台,專供高一GIS課程教學使用。本平台由基本圖和GIS服務組成:基本圖以Google Maps API(應用程式介面,Application Programming Interface)語法產生;GIS服務則以ArcGIS Server發佈,包括地圖和地理處理服務(Geo-processing service)。並使用ESRI的JavaScript擴充語法讓客戶端可透過網路瀏覽器使用GIS服務。教師和學生可經由本平台使用各種GIS功能而毋需安裝軟體,並提升GIS教學之成效。


Announced in 2006 and 2010, the two versions of standard geography curriculum in high school emphasized the usage of geographic abilities, especially the introduction of maps and geographic information systems (GIS). The crucial learning target is thinking and solving geographic questions by applying GIS knowledge and tools. Since the curriculum standard announced, many public resources have invested in improving GIS facilities and enhancing course training. However, many teachers are still having problems to teach with GIS and operate GIS software. The major causes include high requirements of technique, lack of instructional time, and high price of commercial GIS software packages and computer equipment. On the other hand, many teachers began to teach with free-download software or web GIS such as Google Earth or Google Maps in classes. The advantage of these tools is that teachers can access massive geospatial data, including satellite image and vector format layers. But, in a strictly definition, the GIS should include functions of processing and analyzing geospatial data. Neither Google Earth nor Google Maps can provide these functions. To address these problems, this research developed a web-based GIS website focusing on 10th grade GIS instruction. The website is composed of a base map and GIS functions. First, the base map in the webpages is generated by Google Maps API scripts, the same as the official Google Maps interfaces. Second, the ArcGIS Server published series of web GIS services such as web mapping services (WMS) and geo-processing services. To enable the web GIS services work in the client’s web browser, the website used the extension JavaScript script released by ESRI. By using GIS functions through this website without software installation, teachers and students can improve the efficiency of GIS instruction.


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