  • 學位論文


Assessing traffic meter attendants' exposures to traffic air pollutants and health effect.

指導教授 : 詹長權


背景:截至民國95年七月中旬為止,台北市地區的路邊停車收費員已有635位,由於工作型態的關係使的他們每天有七個小時以上的時間在路邊工作,其工作地點非常接近交通廢氣排放源且工作時間經常包含交通顛峰時刻,此職業族群可能會暴露到大量的交通排放廢氣,因而值得我們進行類似族群的職業暴露評估。 目的:針對路邊停車收費員可能會暴露到的空氣微粒、一氧化碳和噪音進行暴露評估,同時瞭解暴露環境微粒之後對於他們的肺功能、心血管和動脈硬化情形是否會有不良的影響。 材料與方法:24位女性路邊停車收費員同意參與本研究,由每週一到週六進行為期六天的採樣。在工作時由收費員騎乘或是牽著腳踏車進行收費工作,腳踏車上則裝設直讀式與粉塵採樣器進行個人式的空氣採樣環境評估,另外在收費員回家後也進行環境微粒的監測。健康的部分每天在工作時均有心跳變異速率的電子監控與早晚的肺功能(PEFR:吐氣尖峰流速)自我記錄,另外分成每週工作前、第一天工作結束後和每週工作結束後三個時間點,進行採血檢驗與血管彈性評估動脈硬化可能性之測試。 結果:24位受試者當中並沒有心血管疾病的病例,在工作時暴露到的PM2.5與PM1.0粉塵分別為61.3±20.0μg/m3、55.1±19.7μg/m3,一氧化碳和噪音的暴露量則分別為1.60±0.71 ppm、73.4±8.0 dBA。在健康指標方面收費員早晨與夜晚平均PEFR為360.25±79.27 L/min、375.03±71.07 L/min,肺功能測試和依常模進行預測的結果相較收費員之肺功能狀況有較差的趨勢,但在進行微粒的混合模式效應評估後看不出延遲效應;血管彈性指標為1325.5±141.6 cm/s,肱動脈踝動脈血壓比為1.09±0.06,在進行日暴露、週暴露對暴露前的配對比較後看不出顯著結果,可是與環境微粒進行混合模式評估後發現暴露空氣微粒對於血管彈性之變差有很高的相關性;血液指標的部分無論是日暴露、週暴露,或是混合模式效應評估上面都沒有顯著的效果。 結論:收費員在工作時暴露的環境微粒雖未達到法規規定之標準,但相較於居家時的暴露其長期工作後的健康狀況仍值得相關單位去密切注意,尤其是在心血管功能上面的影響。本研究發現暴露空氣微粒後會對健康中年女性之血管彈性有急性和亞急性的不良影響,對於其他有機會暴露到高濃度空氣微粒的易感受族群更應該進一步的進行預防與防護


Background: Till mid-July, 2006, traffic meter attendants in Taipei city have reached a number of 635. Eight hours working along the roadside and constantly exposing to traffic related pollution results in risks to these attendants who have the following occupational characteristic: Long-period exposure to traffic pollutants, closed to vehicles’ emission, and work duration that contains at least one rush hour. Objective: We realize that traffic meter attendants might expose directly to air pollution for a long period. Therefore, we want to: 1. Assessing traffic meter attendants’ exposures to traffic air pollutants on ambient particles, CO and noise. 2. Discussing the adverse effects of cardiovascular and pulmonary system caused by traffic related pollutants. Materials and methods: 24 female attendants were recruited in this research to complete a six-day air sampling and health monitoring. Ambient and indoor particles were separately monitored and collected at work and home. Inspection data of CO and noise dose were also gathered at work time. Outcome of air sampling will link to health effect to assess the impact of traffic related air pollution which includes PEFR, HRV (Heart rate variability), PWV (pulse wave velocity,) and also biomarkers of inflammations (CRP, fibrinogen, tPA, PAI-1, glucose and lipid profile). Result and Conclusion: We found that in work time the average of PM2.5, and PM1 could were 61.3±20.0 μg/m3 and 55.1±19.7 μg/m3. Exposure of CO and noise could reach to 1.60±0.71 ppm and 73.4±8.0 dBA. When it comes to health outcome, morning and night PEFR were 360.25±79.27 L/min and 375.03±71.07 L/min, respectively. But no lag effect was examined after simulating by a linear mixed effect model. Day and week exposure of cardiovascular markers such as PWV, ABI and blood markers were also compare with baseline but no significant were discovered at all. Nevertheless, a simulate by mixed effect model found that PM2.5 and PM1.0 does do a significant damage to PWV and may cause more adverse effects to susceptive group.


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陳建成(2012)。路邊停車場開單管理員交通受傷事件之研究 —以新北市為例—〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.03100
