  • 學位論文


Urban Air Pollution: Formation, Exposure and Health Effects of Traffic Emission

指導教授 : 詹長權
共同指導教授 : 王家麟


交通排放為都市中的空氣污染首要成因,本論文旨在探討都會交通的排放對臭氧形成的機制、暴露狀況及健康效應的影響。中部地區的臭氧問題為台灣過去幾年來常被探討的議題,多數研究著重在探討造成臭氧在事件日與非事件日的差異,並無法進一步探討各種揮發性有機化合物 (Volatile Organic Compounds, VOC) 的排放對臭氧形成的貢獻,本論文的第一部分則利用中部地區的三座光化學監測站資料,探討都會區的排放對郊區臭氧形成的貢獻,研究結果發現在春季與秋季時,風速及日照的因素有利於臭氧的形成,並進一步利用氣團老化指標說明臭氧峰值與光化作用的密切關係。本研究也利用光化測站的VOC連結監測資料,研究交通排放相關的VOC對中部地區心血管疾病死亡率的影響,過去的研究多著重在粒狀污染物或傳統的氣態污染物與心血管疾病死亡率的關係,本研究發現六種交通相關的VOC對當日死亡率的上升,有顯著的影響。此外,交通排放中,懸浮微粒 (Particulate Matter, PM) 佔了空氣污染的五成以上,而過去的研究早已證實懸浮微粒造成的健康效應,因此,評估大氣中交通污染造成的懸浮微粒濃度,也是重要的一環。本研究在台北地區進行了通勤者在交通尖峰通勤時段,搭乘不同交通工具,如汽車、公車、捷運與機車時,其暴露到懸浮微粒的濃度情況,並收集空品測站的資料,以分析測站濃度對於通勤者的暴露是屬於高估或低估的情形。本論文的最後一部分則探討在公車、火車及捷運站等微環境中的微米懸浮微粒 (submicrometer particles) 與細懸浮微粒 (ultrafine particles)的濃度分佈及粒徑分佈特性,結果發現公車站的交通尖峰時間濃度曲線明顯,而且,公車站的微粒粒徑分佈特性明顯,公車的柴油引擊排放特徵是在粒徑為3至30nm時,佔總濃度的百分之六十六,比火車站及捷運站的比率更高,由此可知,離柴油排放源愈近時,細小的懸浮微粒濃度愈高。


Traffic emissions contribute importantly to air pollution and are reported to negatively affect human health. This study aimed to investigate formation, exposure and health effects of traffic emissions. The ozone problem has drawn attention during the past years. However, most studies focused so far on ozone event and non-event days while less attention was given to ozone formation potentials. Therefore, the first part aimed to collect volatile organic compounds data from photochemical assessment stations in central Taiwan to analyze ozone formation potentials in urban, suburban and rural areas. The results showed that transported ozone and precursors, i.e. volatile organic compound (VOC) from upwind to downwind producing elevated ozone levels in the suburban and rural areas. We also used the VOC data to investigate the relationship between mortality and traffic-related VOCs, which was a novel approach. Our findings indicated that daily cardiovascular mortality is associated with acute exposure to traffic-related VOCs. Moreover, fuel combustion and road transport were identified as the dominant sources of particulate matters (PM). The third part of this study assessed the particle levels when commuters use different transportation modes during rush hours. Motorcycle commuters were exposed to the highest concentrations of PM and they also the highest exposure dose even though they had the shortest travel time. By contrast, car commuters were exposed to the lowest PM concentrations and doses. The last part of this study compared number concentrations of submicron and ultrafine particles in public transportation stations, i.e. bus station, train station and mass rapid transportation station. The highest average particle number concentration was found in Taipei bus station, where more diesel engine buses were driving by, and the lowest average particle number concentration was found in Taipei MRT station. In conclusion, our study findings provided evidence for traffic-related emission, health effects and exposure data.


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