  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃恆獎


「執行力」在各企業的行銷策略中扮演越來越重要的角色;行銷策略只有在徹底地成功執行之下,才能替企業組織帶來卓越的績效,因此在快速變動的產業環境下,「行銷執行力」實為企業必須設法提升的指標之一。國內對於行銷執行力相關之研討與實證研究,並無任何學術論文。故本研究擬建構一行銷執行力之影響模式,並以電子資訊產業為實證之對象,採用LISREL作為分析工具。本研究實證結果可歸納出以下幾點: 1. 影響行銷執行力之主要構面為組織結構與角色績效。 2. 組織結構為影響行銷執行力之主要因素之一。組織結構設計偏向於正式化或集權化,將削弱行銷執行力及最終之策略績效表現。 3. 組織文化影響組織結構。具有良好溝通機制的組織文化,將會對過於正式化或集權化之組織結構形成負面影響。 4. 角色績效為影響行銷執行力之主要因素之一。行銷策略執行者所具有之角色績效越高,越能提高行銷策略之整體執行力。 5. 角色績效深受「承諾」之影響,包括個人之策略承諾與角色承諾。 6. 領導風格對策略承諾有正向的影響,行銷策略執行者是否具備充分之管理知識技能、對企業願景的了解程度與推廣與否、行銷策略是否有魅力領導者執行、高階主管對策略的支持度,都是影響個人策略承諾的重要變項。


Implementation pervades strategic performance. It is critical link between the formulation of marketing strategies and the achievement of superior organizational performance. Marketing strategies only result in superior returns for an organization when they are implemented successfully. Research conducted in this area generally has suffered from a lack of conceptual and empirical grounding. The subjects of this research were the electronics and informational technology companies. The induced conclusions are as follows: 1. The organizational structure has negative influence to the marketing implementation. 2. The role performance has positive influence to the marketing implementation. 3. The organizational culture has negative influence to the formalization or centralization of the organizational structure. 4. Both the strategy commitment and role commitment have positive influence to the role performance. 5. The leadership style has positive influence to the strategy commitment.


Execution Marketing Implementation LISREL


1. Aiken, Michael & Jerald Hage (1968), ”Organizational Independence and Intra-organizational Structure,” American Sociological Review, 33, pp.912-30.
2. Amsa, P. (1986), "Organisational Culture and Work Group Behaviour: an Empirical Study", Journal of Management Studies, May, pp. 347-62.
3. Bantel, K. A. & S. E. Jackson (1989), “Top Management and Innovations in Banking: Does the Composition of the Top Team Make a Difference?” Strategic Management Journal, 10, pp.107-24.
4. Barksdale, H.C. & B. Darden (1971), “Marketer's Attitude Toward the Marketing Concept”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 35, October, pp. 29-36.
5. Barney, J. & R. Griffin (1992). “The Management of Organizations: Strategy, Structure, and Behavior,” Houghton Mifflin: Boston, MA.


