  • 學位論文


A study for social worker's conception of the supervisory styles, psychological empowerment and job satisfaction from the public sector in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


督導是助人專業工作者養成扮演極重要的關鍵,透過督導的過程,一方面在維持高品質的服務,保障案主或消費者的權益;另一方面則在幫助助人專業工作者獲得專業上的成長,以成為一個有效能的專家。許多量化研究也證實,督導所提供的情緒支持減低工作壓力、催化專業關係正常發展、降低職業倦怠,並且認為督導者在服務機構與工作員間扮演著中介溝通的角色,有助於社工員完成機構的使命任務,但是督導的相關研究在社工領域並不多見,在實務上更是容易忽略其對社工員的影響。 早期的社工督導模式探討,大多以Kadushin(1985)的三個督導功能作為研究與討論的焦點,但此架構在解釋督導動力時卻過於靜態,而近年來在助人領域內則提出了所謂的「適應性督導模式」(adaptive supervision in counseling and training),該模式強調督導應該因應受督導者提供兼顧引導性、支持性的動態督導功能,更為目前實務上缺乏督導指引的困境提供一種嶄新之思考架構。另外,儘管「充權」(empowerment)一詞在社工界可謂耳熟能詳,然而大多放在專業關係與案主層面探討,少有文獻及研究探討員工充權(staff empowerment)的概念,本研究則嘗試引進此兩種重要觀念,並進一步探討其在公部門直接服務領域中,對督導、社工員在工作滿足上的影響。 本研究係立意取樣方式,針對全國縣市政府社會局設有社會工作室(課)的公部門直接服務單位進行郵寄問卷調查。總計抽樣有9個縣市,回收有效問卷總計272份。綜合研究分析結果發現如下: 一、在心理充權部分,基本變項中如年齡、婚姻狀態、照顧負荷、教育程度、宗教信仰,以及職務、進用方式、薪資、公部門非現職年資等變項,均與心理充權有顯著差異與正相關,顯示受訪者心理充權感受易受到個人變項所影響。督導風格中的「教育引導者」(S2),其心理充權感受較「技術指導者」(S1)與「無為同儕者」(S4)為高。 二、在工作滿足部分,基本變項方面僅年齡、婚姻、照顧負荷與現職年資與工作滿足感有顯著差異與負相關,其餘變項均無相關,顯示受訪者工作滿足感不易受到個人變項所影響。督導風格中的「教育引導者」(S2)、「支持引導者」(S3),其心理充權感受較「技術指導者」(S1)與「無為同儕者」(S4)為高。而整體心理充權與整體工作滿足間則呈顯著正相關。 三、根據多元迴歸與階層式多變量迴歸分析之結果顯示,受訪者知覺之督導風格,對其工作滿足感與心理充權感均具有顯著差異存在,而受訪者心理充權感愈高,其工作滿足感愈高;受訪者心理充權感受,在督導風格與工作滿足感間具有中介關係。 最後,根據上述研究發現,研究者針對為個人層面、機構層面與教育層面等三大面向提出相關之建議。


Supervision is the key element to assist to cultivate professional social workers. On the one hand, social workers can maintain the high quality services and protect the rights of their clients or customers through the supervisory process. On the other hand, social workers can improve their professional skills, and become an effective experts through the supervisory process .A lot of quantitative studies also demonstrate that supervisors can help to reduce workers' work pressure, improve the professional relationship and lower down the burn out effect at work. These studies also demonstrate the supervision as mediators between the works and organizations to help workers finish their mission of the organizations. However, few studies for supervision in the social work field are found, it doesn’t mean that the influence of supervision on social workers should be ignored. Earlier studies on supervision in social work had based on Kadushin's (1985) three main functions. But this model seems too static when explaining dynamic supervision. Recently, "adaptive supervision in counseling and training"(ASiCT) has become a new perspective to guild the bewildered supervisors. This model stresses that supervisors should provide some directive and supportive supervisory guidelines for the supervisees. In the other way, though the word "empowerment" is so popular in social work field, most studies focus on the level of professional relation or clients instead of the concept of staff empowerment. This study tried to refer the two important concepts above and further investigate the influence on the supervisors and social workers in the public sector. This study is conducted by purposive sampling, all respondents (N= 272) are social work supervisor and social workers from the public social service agency in Taiwan. Results revealed that supervisory style have significant effort in both of psychological empowerment and job satisfaction, and psychological empowerment are mediator between conception of supervisory style and job satisfaction. Findings of the study highlight the importance of psychological empowerment and job satisfaction in public sector. Implications for social work administration are discussed.




