  • 學位論文


Research on Taiwan Wild Rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) Original Habitat Restoration in Taoyuan Bade

指導教授 : 黃文達


水稻為世界上最重要的糧食作物之一,除了亞洲稻(O. sativa)及非洲稻(O. glaberrima)兩種栽培稻外,共有22個不同的野生稻品種,臺灣僅有普通野生稻存在,故以臺灣野生稻稱之。臺灣野生稻學名為O. rufipogon Griff.,係多年生品種,在1929年於現今苗栗縣竹南鎮及桃園市八德區發現,因此八德區又被稱作「野生稻的故鄉」。此品種普遍被認為是現今栽培稻的祖先,具有豐富的遺傳及育種資源,其特性值得深入研究。 研究結果,八德區農情調查顯示本區主要作物以水稻及溫網室栽培之葉菜類及果菜類為主。進一步經由在地耆老訪查及文獻蒐集,發現臺灣野生稻族群起源與滅絕,可能與八德區聚落及水系分布,及快速的都市及人口發展有關,埤塘棲地的消失及生態環境遭受破壞也為可能原因之一。臺灣野生稻於八德埤塘自然生態公園復育後,於一期作及二期作栽植的稻叢均生長良好,植冠高度平均可達約130至150公分左右,並分別於栽植5個月及2個月後抽穗,其外表性狀與前人研究大致相符。另在植冠高度與氣溫、雨量及水深的比較試驗中,發現氣溫與生長速度較為相關,並以10至30公分左右淺水深存活率較高;另一期作及二期作野生稻不論抽穗後有無刈割,均能於越冬後恢復生長勢,然以有刈割之野生稻叢較為整齊。整體來說,復育結果良好,惟一、二期作間抽穗期之差異仍需後續進一步研究。 八德區農業特色鮮明,埤圳灌溉資源豐沛。本篇研究將原生稻種O. rufipogon Griff.於埤塘生態公園再現,未來期能仿效日本,建立野生稻示範區,製作摺頁並用於生態教育解說,進一步若能將野生稻族群推廣至田間自然繁衍,始能讓野生稻族群真正「回娘家」。


八德 臺灣野生稻 埤塘 復育


Rice is one of the most important crop around the world, in addition to two cultivated rice varieties, O. sativa and O. glaberrima, there are 22 wild rice varieties in the whole world. In Taiwan, there is only one, which is called O. rufipogon Griff. It is a perennial variety and considered to be the direct ancestor of O. sativa. Also, it has rich genetic and breeding resources, and worthy to explore its physiological and morphological significances. In 1929, O. rufipogon Griff was found in Mioli Chunan and Taoyuan Bade for the first time in Taiwan, therefore, Bade is called “hometown of the wild rice”. First, through investigating and collecting agricultural statistics of Bade, the results showed that Bade mainly cultivated rice and protected leaf vegetables, squash and fruits. Second, the research visited the old grand farmer and collected references, and found out the reasons why the wild rice was discovered and disappeared may related to the distribution of villages and river systems. Also, the faster development of urban and population as well as reduction of ecological pond habitats may be one of the reasons. O. rufipogon Griff cultivated at Bade Eco Pond Park in first and second crop season grew well, and the canopy height can reached up to 130 to 150 cm, and headed after five and two months, respectively. The phenotype of O. rufipogon Griff were found almost consistent with the researches before. Furthermore, comparing the canopy height with the temperature, precipitate and depth of water, the temperature was related to the rate of growth, and shallow depth of water around 10 to 30 cm leaded better survival rate. O. rufipogon Griff cultivated in first and second crop season regenerated well after winter whether clipping or not, but the morphology was more orderly with clipping. To conclude, the result that restoration of O. rufipogon Griff is fine, However, the differences of heading stage between two crop seasons may needed further researches to figure out. To sum up, Bade has unique agriculture characteristic as well as rich pond and canal irrigation resources. Since indigenous wild rice has reproduced in the eco pond park, we hope to produce folding and follow the example of Japan to establish a demonstrate field in order to apply on ecological education in the future. Moreover, if we could extend the wild rice groups to the field and let it reproduce naturally, O. rufipogon Griff could eventually come back truly to its homeland.


Bade Oryza rufipogon Griff. wild rice pond restoration


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