  • 學位論文


Research of project management applied to the develoment of information product

指導教授 : 巫和懋


本研究採用探索性研究,以限制理論的概念為基礎運用思維過程尋找解決專案產品開發過程中可能發生包括技術、專案管理和組織之間的問題。整個研究中先針對有關專案管理的文獻重點進行探討,整理專案管理關鍵成功因素,接著對矩陣式組織管理常發生之問題及建議之方法要點也進行歸納整理。最後利用個案研究方法深入探討兩家公司之案例,了解其實施功能式矩陣組織專案和專案式矩陣組織的作法及原因,並與前面所提之專案管理關鍵成功因素與矩陣管理要點進行比較分析。最後提出對於功能式矩陣組織和專案式矩陣組織的研發管理中,成功的關鍵因素及作法建議如下: 一個企業實施功能式矩陣組織或專案式矩陣組織研發時,最好具備下列條件: 1. 建立良好的溝通協調管道 2. 愼選合適的專案計畫主持人 3. 尋求高階管理者的支持 4. 明確界定專案任務與可執行的目標 5. 決策的授權 6. 明確的權責劃分 7. 充分的專案人力與相關資源 8. 有效的專案資訊系統 9. 培養危機處理的能力 10. 精準的專案時程規劃 11. 有效衝突管理 本研究從個案案例和文獻資料中證明,以上的專案管理成功因素及確實對資訊產品的研發有相當重要的影響。同時發現到一些有趣的現象,特別提出下面幾點: 1. 高階管理者的涉入程度 2. 先期備援方案研擬 3. 專案計畫主持人具績效評議、分配權 4. 採用目標管理 5. 塑造專案團隊 本研究對於功能式矩陣組織管理和專案式矩陣組織管理利用文獻整理及個案研究比較,兩方面著手分析才提出矩陣式組織之運用應考量的背景因素與關鍵成功因素之項目,雖然自認對相關議題及相關公司管理方式已有深層的了解,但深入程度之定義見仁見智。




Abstract The study adopted the exploratory research of case analysis. Based on the concept of Theory of Constrain (TOC), the research was trying to figure out the critical issues of technology, project management and organization structure by the thinking logic process. The research started from study of relevant literature review on TOC, project mangement and matrix oganization. Based on most critical successful factors concluded from the previous literature review, the study performed case interview, analysis and comparison. Finally the study has concluded the Key Successful Factors of Research & Development Management in the Functional and Project Matrix Organization. The following conclusions are obtained by this research: the key successful factors of running project management in a matrix organization enterprise should inlcude the following conditions: 1. Establish a good communication channel 2. Find an appropriate project leader 3. Seek support from top management 4. Clearly identify the scope and mission of the project 5. Full authorization 6. Clear role and responsibility 7. Sufficient resouce in terms of human resouce and related resources 8. Effective project information system 9. Prepare capability of risk management 10. Precisely planning and scheduling in project management 11. Mangement of confrontation In addition to above mentioned, this research found other related factors, which also play significant roles on project management. 1. The involement level of top management 2. Preparation of contingency plan in advance 3. The project leader should have the rights of evaluation and allocation 4. Adopt Target Management 5. Culture formation for a project team The research based on the literartues of theory of constrain, project management and matrix organization developed and concluded the key successful factors for project management. Due to the time constrain, the broadness of case review might not be sufficient. However, the study should still be good for reference since the chosen cases are from index coporations.


Project Management


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