  • 學位論文


Innovation Opportunities and Challenges of Internet TV : Case Study in PCTV industry

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


面對技術的世代變遷一直都是高科技公司莫不謹慎面對的課題。如今在雲端大戰略的改變與OTT TV領域的崛起,許多原本傳統3C廠商都面臨淘汱或轉型的壓力。尤其以智慧型手機或平板電腦快速改變市場下,加上行動網路與高速網路的佈建日漸成熟,每一個人都在這個巨大變革中,或是逐日被市場無情的汱換,或是漸漸的縮小規模。本研究以個案公司為例,分析OTT TV產業的興起對個案公司原本的產品與產業的挑戰。 本研究透過分析OTT TV現況、產業趨勢,了解這一趨勢對原本個案公司的可能衝擊,進而分析OTT TV產業價值鍊並配合分析個案公司的原本核心能力,找出個案公司進入OTT TV的機會。以及在面對新的、不同的產業現況下,個案公司的產品策略應如何調整?技術能心如何移動?目標市場如何的開拓?等可能的方向。最後研究總結如下: 1. 應因OTT TV帶來的產業浪潮,進入頭端設備。 2. 以中國大陸的設備系統運營商為目標客戶。 3. 產品設計上利用高彈性的單機方案為主。 4. 與目標客戶合作開發具競爭性的產品。 5. 與目標客戶共同建立成功案例。


It has been crucial for high-tech companies to undertake initiatives for any major change in technological evolution roadmap, in particular, when such change will cause the change of the user’s behavior and the original product functionality. In the mobile internet era, with the new emerging service innovation of the cloud computing and OTT TV and the prevailing of smart devices, traditional 3C companies have come to a point for a major strategic change to perish or sustainability. This study examines the challenges and opportunities for the case company heading to OTT TV technology. In this study, the status and trends of OTT TV industry were analyzed. With reference to the OTT TV industry value chains, the case company's product line was reexamined to identify possible opportunities/strategies to enter the OTT TV. The potential market was segmented and detailed. The technology, product, and market strategy were further discussed. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. Head-end equipment will be next strategic choice for case company. In particular, co-work with target customer for next generation head-end equipment. 2. Focus on China OTT TV operators. 3. Using single device with high scalability will be good product strategy. 4. Co-design product with major customer. 5. Successfully deployed to a provincial TV broadcaster in China.


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