  • 學位論文


Competition Strategies and Industrial Analysis of Electronic-Grade Glass Fabric Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 趙義隆


台灣主機板已經達到了壟斷全球市場的地位,中國大陸將超越日本成為全球第一大印刷電路板生產國。電子級玻璃纖維布係印刷電路板不可或缺之上游材料,深受下游印刷電路板產業榮枯影響。 2000年以來的衰退蕭條,縮減的市場需求,加上過度建置的產能供給,形成惡劣的競爭環境,使電子產業經歷了嚴苛的考驗。持續的價格戰,不但壓縮了獲利空間,亦扭曲了供應鏈生態,同時也加速了生產基地的推移與重新配置。2001年開始,全球電子資訊通訊市場的急速下滑,產生了玻璃纖維原料的供過於求現象,也造成國內產業的嚴重衝擊,加上台灣投資環境的變遷,廠商外移中國大陸日增,諸此種種,深值隱憂。面對中國大陸本地產業的快速發展與起飛及在WTO之後,中國大陸電子級玻璃纖維布產品低價回銷台灣的威脅均值得我產業界的嚴肅以對。 本論文以國家競爭力、競爭五力分析、一般性策略分析及產業群聚分析來探討這個形式上是寡佔但行為上幾近完全競爭的成熟產業的買方市場的台灣電子級玻璃纖維布產業。 台灣電子級玻璃纖維布產業的五家競爭者,其中有以其產能優勢,其中也有以其價格優勢,亦有以其品質優勢,均能各據一片天。各廠應審視自身短、長,來規劃產品定位及行銷策略,避免盲目擴張,殺價搶單,必然可以跳脫低價優勢的迷思。然而若就長期發展而言,其未來應朝開發高價的日本市場、開發專門用於雷射鑽孔的高階產品、垂直整合或策略聯盟方向努力。


Taiwan has been to the corner on the Mother Board market. China will over Japan become the worldwide biggest producer of PCB. The Electronic Grade Glass Fabric is the indispensable material for PCB and will be affected by the rise and/or decline of PCB industry. The demand declined since year 2000’s sluggish market. In addition, the over expansion worsen the competition environment. The electronic industries experienced the severest test. Continuously price war does not squeeze the profitability only but also twist the ecology of supply chain. And, speed up the production base relocation. In year 2001, E-grade Glass Fabric over supplied for the Global market of electronic products declined drastically. It lashed the industries in Taiwan. Moreover, we shall anxious about the changes of investment environmental in Taiwan, companies move to China are steadily on the increase, etc. We have to face the lower price E-grade Glass Fabric export from China to Taiwan after their local fabric producer developed fast and enter into the WTO. Based on Porter’s framework of national competitive advantages and industry structure, this thesis conducted a study to the following steps by Taiwanese E-grade Glass Fabric manufacturers in such an oligopoly and matured industry environment. The five competitors in Taiwan E-Grade Glass Fabric industry, some of them are based on productivity strength, some are based on cost strength, and some are based on technical strength, to hold their market shares. They should consider their own weakness and strength to plan their product position and strategy to avoid blind expansion and price war. For the long-term, the industry shall towards high-value market, high-end products development, vertical merge and/or strategy alliance.


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