  • 學位論文


The Study of Classes of Words on Tsinghua Bamboo Manuscripts I and II

指導教授 : 徐富昌


本文是一篇以《清華大學藏戰國竹簡》(壹)和(貳)的詞類為研究主題的學位論文。在本文裡,詞類分為兩大種,即實詞和虛詞。實詞又分作名詞、數詞、量詞、動詞、形容詞和代詞。虛詞分作副詞、介詞、連詞、助詞、語氣詞、歎詞和兼詞。本文據篇章文義、詞句意義、句法功能、語法特點和其他相關的語法著作這五個主要的考量依據,在個別詞類之下又再分成數個小類。 經過閱讀文本到劃分詞類等數個研究步驟之後,得到的結論是《清華大學藏戰國竹簡》(壹)和(貳)文本裡的名詞,共有763個,其中單音節325個,雙音節310個,三音節98個,多音節30個。數詞只有19個,其中單音節16個,雙音節3個。量詞只有7個,全都是單音節。單音節動詞共有394個,雙音節動詞共有22個,三音節動詞只有1個,總計417個動詞。形容詞有108個,當中單音節96個,雙音節12個。代詞有27個,當中單音節的代詞佔25個,雙音節的代詞只佔2個。 不管是上古漢語或現代漢語,虛詞都是一批封閉性的、可列舉的、語法特點和句法功能變化較大及僅具有語法意義的詞。雖然虛詞不像實詞般具備實在的詞彙意義,但欲表達完整意義的句子或文章不能沒有虛詞的使用,在傳世和出土文獻裡也是如此。《清華大學藏戰國竹簡》(壹)和(貳)文本裡有副詞、介詞、連詞、助詞、語氣詞、歎詞和兼詞,大都是單音節詞。 在甲骨和金文裡,有些詞早已出現並使用了一段很長的時間,如「于」、「於」、「不」、「弗」、「汝」、「爾」、「若」、「我」、「朕」、「余」、「其」、「厥」、「勿」、「毋」等。在甲骨金文裡,這些實詞和虛詞已經具備了一定的語法特點和句法功能。它們在使用上有一定的分工,當中有異有同。這些詞的使用和特定的語法現象,都是值得討論的語法課題。 無疑地,竹簡的釋文是理解竹簡內容的第一步,語法的研究是第二個步驟,也可說是第二層次的研究。語法研究的成果,對釋讀文字的工作可起參考性的輔助作用及價值,也可協助釋文的工作進行得更為順利和流暢。 關鍵詞


清華簡 詞類 實詞 虛詞 語法特點 句法功能


This is a dissertation statement which focused on classification of ancient characters found in Pre-Qin Bamboo Manuscripts I and II that collected by Tsinghua University. The Bamboo manuscripts characters can be divided into two main categories, content word and function word. Content Word can be subdivided into noun, numeral, classifier, verb, adjective and pronoun. Function word can be subdivided into adverb, preposition, conjunction, particles, discourse markers, interjection and difficult words that can be classified to two different groups of words. In addition, content word and function word can be further subdivided into few more categories according to the meaning of passage, meaning of words and sentence, syntactic function, grammatical meaning and the other grammatical writings. After careful studied, categorization of the characters of Bamboo manuscripts and others research steps, conclusion had been drawn, there are 763 nouns that consists of 325 single-syllable words, 310 double syllable words, 98 triple syllable words and 30 multi-syllable words. 19 numeral words which consists of 16 single-syllable words and 3 double-syllable words. There are only 7 classifiers which are all single-syllable word. 417 verbs consist of 394 single-syllable words, 22 double-syllable words and 1 triple-syllable word. There are 108 adjectives which consists of 96 single-syllable words and 12 double-syllable words. There are 27 pronouns which consists of 25 single-syllable words and 2 double-syllable words. Whether classical or modern Chinese language, function word is a sum of words that have some characteristics likes closed, can be listed, obvious changes in syntax features and syntactic functions, and only have grammatical meaning. Even though function words haven’t lexical meaning like content words, but, a sentence can’t be express fully and complete means without exist and usage of these words. These phenomena also happen in unearthed documents and other documents that passed from generation to generation. There are adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, particles, discourse markers, interjections and difficult words. Majorities of these words are single-syllable. Some Chinese words has been existed for a long time as those words can be found in Pre-Qin oracle and ancient bronze inscription, for example, yu(于),yu(於),bu(不),fu(弗),ru(汝),er(爾),ruo(若),wo(我),zen(朕),yu(余),qi(其),jue(厥),wu(勿),wu(毋)etc. The studies of oracle and ancient bronze inscription had shown that content words and function words had certain syntax features and syntactic functions. There are some similarities and differences when it comes to how the words was used. The way of these two categories of words were used and its grammatical requirements are both worthy of more discussion. Conclusion, in order to understand what were written on those Tsinghua Bamboo manuscripts, first, we have to understand the ancient characters. Study of its grammar is the second step, which is the second level of study of Bamboo manuscripts. Grammatical study can be help to understand the Bamboo manuscripts better and ensure the inscriptions of the Bamboo manuscripts go smoothly.


