  • 學位論文


Beijing’s Different Attitudes toward the KMT and DPP: Analysis of Press Releases by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council (2000-2012)

指導教授 : 陳明通


許多過往研究在論述兩岸關係時,均先假定中共官方較親近國民黨而排斥民進黨,進而才在其各自的面向中進一步敘述,然而對於中共相關之政治態度,是否真的如此簡單二分,而不具變動的可能性卻少有討論,故本文透過內容分析法的途徑,以民進黨及國民黨執政時期的國台辦新聞稿為對象,比較在不同時期中,中共官方對於不同議題和政黨的陳述態度,同時也從時間序列的橫軸來剖析,在正面態度和負面態度顯著差異的月份中,是否有發生何種性質的外在事件,進而影響了國台辦的相關態度,用此來佐證中共官方與國民兩黨間長期的互動關係。   本文從研究設計的數種類目當中,發現民進黨政府時期的國台辦新聞稿,除了關於兩岸協商及民間社會的議題以外,中共官方皆抱持著負面之態度,相反的,國民黨政府執政時期則是不論各種議題,其發言人在論述上都呈現正面態度。除此之外,雖然得出中共官方對國民黨較友好的結論,但同時也發現在不同執政時期裡,中共對於國、民兩黨的態度並非一成不變,就民進黨而言,國台辦論述態度由其執政時的嚴厲批判,到了馬政府時轉變為有條件的贊成,至於對於國民黨的態度,則是由扁政府時期的友好,增強為其執政時的密切合作。   民進黨的台獨黨性和不承認九二共識,使得中共無法與其展開對話,因此對其採以負面態度;至於國民黨在不獨的基礎上與中共進行會談,並且願意在不觸碰政治議題情況下展開協商,此情況為對岸所樂見,故對其抱持著正面之態度。


Numerous studies regarding the cross-strait relationships have assumed that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) tends to be friendly to the Kuomintang (KMT) and hostile to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). However, few studies have discussed the possibility that the PRC holds such an unvaried dichotomous political attitude. Thus, in this study, we analyzed the press releases of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council (TAOSC) during the ruling periods of the DPP and the KMT using the content analysis method. We also compared the attitude of the PRC to describe different issues in separate periods. Additionally, we analyzed the horizontal axis of the time series regarding months when significant differences in the PRC’s positive and negative attitudes could be observed. The analysis was conducted to determine whether certain events that influenced the attitude of the TAOSC occurred in the surveyed months. This is used to evidence the long-term interaction between the PRC and the two parties of KMT and DPP.   From the research design categories, we found that the press releases of the TAOSC during the DPP ruling period exhibited negative attitude of the PRC, except for issues regarding cross-strait negotiations and the civil society. By contrast, the spokesman of the TAOSC presented positive attitude toward all issues during the KMT ruling period. Moreover, despite the conclusion that the PRC tended to be friendly to the KMT, the PRC’s attitude toward the KMT and the DPP varied in different periods. Regarding the DPP, the discourse attitude of the TAOSC was shifted from severe criticism during the DPP ruling period to the conditional support during the presidency of Ma Ying-Jeou. The attitude of the TAOSC toward the KMT was reinforced from the friendliness during the Chen Shui-Bian presidency to the close cooperation during the presidency of Ma Ying-Jeou.


TAOSC Political Attitude Context Analysis KMT DPP


