  • 學位論文

壓抑之覆返(再現): 布蘭.史托克 《德古拉》中自我與他者的對抗

The Return (Representation) of the Repressed: The Struggle between the Self and the Other in Bram Stoker’s Dracula

指導教授 : 黃涵榆


這篇論文以維多利亞時代的文化及社會為背景,分析布蘭•史托克的小說《德古拉》,同時以德古拉做為他者的方式來探討。此外,德古拉會被詮釋為一種能同時激發維多利亞人既戀又慮的「詭異」。第一章主要是釐清在接下來幾章會出現的心理分析詞彙。 第二章則討論在父權社會下,或者以心理分析的術語來說,象徵秩序下,性別的議題。此章主要是由父親及母親的形象來探討;在小說中,德古拉及凡赫新扮演著父親的角色,而三位女吸血鬼,露西,以及米娜則同時以母親及「新女性」的形象呈現。究竟德古拉以及凡赫新所扮演的父親角色有何不同?德古拉是否為另一個父權的化身?而小說中的女性身分同時為母親及新女性的義涵為何?這些女性代表的是一種逾越,還是一種穩定象徵秩序的力量?本章結合社會背景及文本的探討,以期解答上述的問題。 第三章繼續自我和他者的議題,並以東西方的關係來討論。本章主要由三個方面來分析。首先是小說如何透露出合乎歷史背景的英帝國主義意識形態,以及維多利亞人的焦慮及恐懼如何由東方的「反向殖民」來詮釋。之後的討論則為英帝國主義意識形態如何由其「分身」揭示。最後此章的議題集中在帝國主義的幻界如何透過主體(吸血鬼獵人)以及對體(吸血鬼)運作,並且探討此幻界是否真能維持象徵秩序。 結論則以超越幻界為本論文的終極目標。但《德古拉》的討論並未結束;相反地,以他者作為方式的探討,開發出更多閱讀的可能。最後論文以「病毒」及「疾病」作為一種隱喻來刻畫德古拉,並以之做為未來研究的方向。


他者 分身 你要的是什麼 幻界 超越幻界


This thesis analyzes Bram Stoker’s Dracula in Victorian cultural and social contexts, and reads Dracula as the Other. Besides, Dracula is interpreted as “the uncanny,” which arouses Victorians’ anxiety and fascination. Chapter One mainly clarifies the psychoanalytic concepts, which are applied in the following chapters. Chapter Two discusses the issues of gender and sexuality, which are controlled by the patriarchal society or “the Symbolic” in psychoanalytic terms. The issues are explored through parental roles: the Father and the (m)Other. Dracula and Van Helsing are both paternal figures in the novel while the women, including the three female vampires, Lucy, and Mina, are represented as maternal figures and “New Woman.” What is the difference of Dracula’s and Van Helsing’s paternal identities? Is Dracula another incarnation of the patriarchal Father? What is the insinuation of women’s role simultaneously as the (m)Other and the New Woman in this novel? Do these women represent a transgressive power or a stabilizing force for the symbolic order? This chapter combines the social contexts with the textual discussions and expects to find the answers to the above questions. Chapter Three carries on the discussion of the Self and the Other in the relationship between the East and the West. The analysis is developed from three aspects. The first is how the novel divulges the British imperialist ideology, (which also corresponds to its historical background), and how the Victorians’ anxiety and fear stem from the “reverse-colonisation” of the East. Then, the discussion shifts to how the imperialist ideology is revealed through Britain’s “double.” Finally, the issues in this chapter are centered on how the imperial fantasy functions through the struggle between the Subject (the vampire hunters) and the Other (vampires), and whether the fantasy maintains the symbolic order. In Conclusion, traversing the vampiric fantasy is the ultimate goal for this thesis. Yet, the discussion of Dracula does not end but, in contrast, more reading possibilities based on my reading of the Other develop. The metaphors of dis-ease and virus are applied to characterize Dracula and offer a direction for future research.


The Other the double Che voui fantasy traverse the fantasy


Works Cited
Arata, Stephen D. “The Occidental Tourist: Dracula and the Anxiety of Reverse
Auerbach, Nina. Our Vampires, Ourselves. London: The U of Chicago P, 1995.
---. Woman and the Demon: The Life of a Victorian Myth. London: Harvard
UP, 1982.
