  • 學位論文


The Adaptation of Urban Entrpreneurialism: A Case Study of Taipei Complex Dome

指導教授 : 紀舜傑


全球化通常不只被視為一種「單一過程」,還是一種辯證的動力,在政治、經濟、社會文化的快速變遷下,國家資本積累和調節能力的角色,已逐步的退居後線,令都市關鍵突顯的地位慢慢浮現。全球化帶來了都市與區域間的競爭,連帶的都市政治經濟、空間與社會結構都有顛覆性的變革,吸引資本投資,促進經濟發展,使得都市地方政府所扮演的角色越來越重要。臺灣政黨政治民主化形成後,漸次地擺脫威權國家的宿命,開創一個後進國家發展的典範:一方面逐漸顛覆了傳統派系所支配的地方政治發展,另一方面也導致了臺灣內部縣市間競爭的惡化,連帶引發臺灣企業型都市的浮現。所謂企業型都市,主要概念係由私部門的企業精神,來重構都市公部門治理的核心價值,以便在激烈的城際競爭中對話,也就是說,以都市企業主義作為都市治理發展的政策,是一種聚焦在地方投資以及經濟發展下的建構,並在公私協力作為具體代表性的基礎下,創造都市自我。 從1970年代末起,臺北市已經逐漸地浮上世界都市的舞臺,成為世界都市階層體系中半邊陲地區的次級都市,臺北市的中心程度提高,遂成為資源集中與控制之地。筆者認為臺北市的地方作為,與國家機器的轉變和權力結構的重組,有密切連結的可能性:藉由都市政治的運作,都市空間的轉換是否隨著都市議題行動者的多元化及都市內、外部系統互動的日益頻繁,逐漸地擺脫都市既有結構的限制,而朝向對都市現象的演變做出更深層的分析與探討?在政治、經濟與社會三體的互動機轉下,能否延伸都市治理在面對都市議題上的合理性?臺北市在都市治理的運籌上,因為迥異於西方先進資本主義國家的政治脈絡,對於西方都市政治理論的仿效與延伸可能有運用上的差異,同樣的,對於都市企業主義的適用性上,也具有討論的空間。 本研究案例臺北文化體育園區,不但是臺北市公共建設中典型的公私協力,主體大型室內體育館(大巨蛋),更可視為連結全球誇耀式建築的象徵。總理本研究發現,從臺北文化體育園區-大型室內體育館在規劃上,實屬都市企業主義所追求的以提升都市經濟發展為目標、以公私協力之模式,做為臺北市經濟建設之基礎,進而激發都市的競爭力,將臺北市轉化為一個具有創新、創意的場域。然而,臺灣的政治脈絡與中央地方的府際關係,使得臺北市的都市企業主義以一種變種的方式呈現,在都市企業主義的提法下,還必須顧及本身特殊的位階以及和中央政府的關係,以及過去臺灣發展型國家的經歷。


The competition between cities and regions comes by globalization, and this conflict among politics, economy, and multi-society emerges urban government as an important role of governance system. This research is talking about the adaptation of urban entrepreneurialism of Taipei city government, and how its works. To formularize this research, the author uses case study of Taipei Complex Dome to verify questions of the research, and these questions are: First, the urban governance of Taipei city government may depart from the bestride of state government or not; when and how Taipei city government start to incubate its autonomous urban governance, and what is the connection between Taiwan politics democratization and the relations between central government and local government. Second, what ripple effects and possible responses may derive from the changing characteristic of Taiwan developmental state to Taipei city government? Third, coordinate the first and the second question, how to embed urban entrepreneurialism from the western in urban governance, so far as Taipei city government is concerned, and urban entrepreneurialism may the paradigm of Taipei city government. According to these questions, here are conclusions: the scheme of case study Taipei Complex Dome shows the target that urban entrepreneurialism pursue the elevation of economic development, and public-private partnership as a foundation of Taipei’s infrastructure, turning Taipei city government to a creative and prolific authority and boost the competitiveness. However, Taiwan’s historical politics context and intergovernmental relations between central government and local government make urban entrepreneurialism as a denaturalized way to present Taipei’s governance, and Taipei city government shall take its special hierarchy, the relations with central government and the process of the past Taiwan developmental state background into account.




