  • 學位論文


A Study of Mobile Phone Recycling Intention and Marketing Portfolio of Smartphone Consumers

指導教授 : 蕭瑞祥


科技不斷進步,智慧型行動電話推陳出新,造就行動電話消費市場蓬勃發展,也帶動消費者的換機頻率逐年升高,然而汰換後的舊手機可能造成的環境污染,將會是全球即將面臨的重大問題,而政府與業者執行舊機回收成效不彰,顯示著回收市場仍未被消費者重視,而業者應如何透過有效的行銷活動提升回收量進來帶來新商品與舊機市場的銷售業績,穩固市場佔有率已成為當務之急。本研究以台灣使用智慧型行動電話消費者為對象,區隔舊機回收市場之消費族群,並透過行銷組合的調節來探討消費者對舊手機回收的意願及處置行為的瞭解。本研究以問卷形式,採用分層隨機抽樣方法,有效樣本為425份。 研究結果顯示,舊手機回收市場並無明顯的市場區隔,人口統計僅在「年齡」、「工作性質」與「每月收入」對於回收意願是有差異。然而,當消費者對於新手機的品牌與產品涉入程度高時,其回收意願則具有明顯差異。另外,消費市場中因消費者對舊機回收活動不熟悉,故在行銷組合並未如預期達到調節作用,冀望本研究結果可以提供業者推廣手機回收活動與服務的參考依據。


With the advances in technology, smartphone innovation has become possible-which leads to a fast-growing smartphone market. New smartphones are released every couple months, and so is the mobile replacement rate. However, discarded phones may pose a threat to our environment. Ineffective mobile phone recycling by the Government and the industry has shown that consumers have not paid much attention to this recycling market. How to enhance the recycling has become our top priority. The purpose of this study is to understand consumers’ intention to mobile phone recycling and their behavior toward discarded phones through different marketing portfolios. This paper studies smartphone users in Taiwan. The research method is questionnaire survey. The sampling technique is Convenience Sampling, and the effective sample size is 425. The conclusion of this study is that there is no significant segmentation of mobile phone recycling market— only 3 variables of population statistic (i.e., age, job type and monthly income) make differences in mobile phone recycling intention. However, there are significant differences in mobile phone recycling intention when consumers are highly involved with the brand and the product. In addition, this study finds that the reason that the marketing portfolios do not achieve the intended moderation effects is that consumers are not familiar with the recycling activities. Hope this study will be the foundation for the industry to promote smartphone recycling.


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