  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying Graph Education of Information Security Awareness Training

指導教授 : 蕭瑞祥


隨著資訊發達的時代演進,資訊安全也越被大眾所重視,因此如何推動資訊安全也越顯重要。本研究是以推動資訊安全相關認知知識為目的,達到大眾重視資訊安全的相關問題。 眾多推動資訊安全的方法中,如何才能達到有效的學習績效,是本研究的動機。本研究採用Furnell等人提出的圖形教學法,結合資訊安全認知訓練的特性,透過文獻的蒐集、整理、分析、雛型建構的方法來嘗試探討出圖形教學法是否比一般教學法運用於資訊安全認知訓練更有績效。 本研究結果發現:(1)使用圖形或一般教學,對於提升資訊安全認知均是有績效的。(2)圖形教學用於資訊安全認知訓練比一般教學更有學習績效。


In recent years, the rapid progress in internet dues to huge losses of organizations and enterprises. Therefore, the development of information security is becoming an important issue. According to the research of information security that personal careless mistake leads to almost 50% of information security event. Hence, the information security awareness is very important. The invests in hardware and software cannot improve the information security without improving the personal information security awareness. It points out that knowledge map is useful for learning and the concept of awareness. The research is expected to find the benefit of information security awareness material designed by knowledge map. Otherwise, in order reduce the ratio of information security event and raise the personal information security awareness; we expect to find the best approach to design information security awareness materials.


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[14]BS 7799-1, Information Security Management- Part1: Code of Practice for Information Security Management, British Standards Institution, 2005.
