  • 學位論文


To Delibrate Policy of Mainland Tourists to Taiwan on Absconding and illegally Overstaying Issue

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


全球化影響及兩岸交流日趨緊密,入出國境人流與外來人民移入,儼然將臺灣帶入「人口國際化」的潮流中,政府自1987年11月開放兩岸交流以來,大陸地區人民以通婚、探親、探病、專業活動、觀光、小三通及包機直航等方式來臺日益增多,隨之衍生違常、違法、違規事件,特別是兩岸間僅一水之隔,同文同種,從傳統非法偷渡到以虛偽結婚、假冒親屬、偽變造證件及觀光等以合法掩護非法方式,遂其來臺目的,進而衍生違法(規)等案件,對公序良俗、社會治安、乃至國家安全等層面,皆造成巨大影響不容輕忽。 政府自2002年開放第一類大陸人士觀光以來,從原來每日幾百人到2013年5月1日正式開放每日10,220人,在觀光經濟蓬勃發展的背後,仍存在著部分隱憂,惟政府面對每日越來越多的大陸地區人民,其中包含第一類及自由行觀光客所衍生脫團及非法滯台問題,另有醫美健檢結合觀光自由行等新型來台,實際從事與目的不符之工作或活動,面對這多元化態樣,如何研議積極、有效的安全管理機制,將為當前政府重要課題。 本文分別就陸客來臺對臺灣政治、經濟之效應,兩岸方面旅遊之歷史發展過程和現有法令依據及安全管理機制研究,藉由陸客脫團及非法滯台原因分析,瞭解對社會治安及國家安全帶來之負面影響,並掌握高風險因子陸客,對現有之管理機制提出建議,期能減少對國家帶來之損害及威脅,並期望將來台灣在面對全球化的衝擊和挑戰之際,可以在未來的觀光定位上找到一個可以逐步成長的良好基礎。


The impact of globalization and the increasingly close cross-strait exchanges has contributed to the heavy flow of people and foreigners at the borders, leading Taiwan into the trend of “the internationalization of population”. Since the government started the open cross-strait exchanges policy in November 1987, a growing number of mainland Chinese people has come to Taiwan for intermarriage, visiting their relatives, sightseeing or engaging in professional activities by means of mini three links routes and charter flights, etc. These have also brought along with the violation of the laws and violation of provision. Divided only by the Straits of Taiwan, the mainland China and Taiwan are of the same race and share the same language. Thus, the common illegal activities like smuggling, hypocrisy marriages, fake relatives, fake documents and other illegitimate activities have been used to enable them to arrive in Taiwan. As a result, there have been many cases of violation of law (provision) which have caused great impact to the level of public order and social morality and even national security and thus can not be ignored. Since 2002, the government has opened up the first category of mainland Chinese people to Taiwan for sightseeing. Initially, hundreds of people arrived daily. However, when the policy began to be formally implemented on May 1, 2013, the number of people has reached 10,220 daily. Behind this booming economy of tourism, there are some concerns as some problems have been caused by the growing number of mainland Chinese people to Taiwan containing the first category and the free independent travelers (FIT). For example, some of them run away from their tour groups and overstay illegally. Besides, some work illegally or are involved in illegal activities on the pretext of having the medical cosmetology or health examination combined with sightseeing and free independent travel. Facing this kind of diversified patterns, it is time for the government to deliberate a positive and effective security management system on this important issue. In this paper, I would like to deliberate the political and economic effects of mainland tourists to Taiwan, the historical development of cross-strait travel, the existing laws and security management system. Also, through the analysis of runaway mainland tourists and illegal overstay, it enables us to understand the social security and the negative impact of the national security. At the meantime, we can monitor mainland tourists with high-risk factors and offer suggestions on the existing management system in order to reduce the damage and threats to the nation. When facing the impact of globalization and challenges, we hope to find out the future tourism positioning and good foundation of growth in Taiwan


(一)吳武忠、范世平著,中國大陸觀光旅遊總論(臺北:楊智文化事業股份有限公司,2004 年02月) 。
(二)范世平,「開放中國大陸民眾來臺旅遊法制遞嬗與影響之研究」,遠景基金會季刊,第 7 卷第 2 期,2006 年 3 月。
(六)國家政策研究基金會 http://old.npf.org.tw


