  • 學位論文


The Effects of Multimedia Materials on Listening Comprehension: A Comparison of Broadcasts and Movies

指導教授 : 陳惠美






In Taiwan, an EFL learning context in which the lack of sufficient available English-speaking auditory stimuli generally de-motivates many capable learners to diligently improve increasable listening skills. It is, thus, significant for teaching facilitators to thoughtfully provide inexperienced listeners with certain motivational and effective learning alternatives. To ideally fulfill such instructional requirement, this study attempted to present a total of 117 freshmen, from two non English major departments in Tamkang University, with the respectively well-designed multimedia-utilized listening materials: segmental film scenes and abridged broadcasting programs. 70 Electrical Engineering Department participants from Experimental Group 1 were provided with movie-viewing listening materials. Experimental Group 2, in which 47 subjects enrolled in the Department of Chemistry-Chemistry and Biochemistry Division, received broadcasting listening materials. The respective learning outcomes of these two programs were also comparatively investigated to pedagogically suggest the proper listening learning manner. Through the simultaneous 13-week term of listening training, the GEPT Intermediate level listening comprehension tests were utilized as the evaluative instruments, and the results of pretest, mid-test, posttest, and a survey were respectively as well as comparatively analyzed, afterwards. The results manifested that the extra presence of films’ visualized supplements could better assist the participants from Experimental Group 1 in decoding aurally received messages and in building up positive learning motivation. It is recommended that the pedagogically adequate employment of pictorial implements could successfully improve listening comprehension by the advantageous provision of visually strategic aids for unseasoned listeners to compensate for certain deficient knowledge areas such as the unfamiliarity with the target language’s culturally multi-faceted phenomena.


listening comprehension


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