  • 學位論文


A Study on User's Satisfaction and Loyalty of Web ATM - A Case Study of TAIWAN

指導教授 : 鮑世亨


網路ATM自2004年推出迄今,己有48家金融機構陸續提供網路ATM的服務。對金融機構而言,網路ATM的競爭已進入白熱化的階段,在全面搶攻網路ATM的新客源時,若是未能看護好既有的使用者,使其滿意度與忠誠度有所提昇,則在這場競爭中很容易就會敬陪末坐。 本研究是採取問卷調查的方式進行研究分析,受測對象均為曾經使用過網路ATM的消費者。問卷發放的方式是採取書面問卷與網路問卷兩種同步進行,回收樣本共331份,有效樣本共322份,有效問卷率97.3%。 本研究利用線性迴歸來檢定驗證品牌形象、服務品質與交易成本等三種變數對於網路ATM使用者滿意度與忠誠度之間的闗係,研究結果發現:1.品牌形象與網路ATM使用者滿意度呈顯著正相關。2.服務品質與網路ATM使用者滿意度呈顯著正相關。3.交易成本與網路ATM使用者滿意度呈顯著正相關。4.網路ATM使用者滿意度與使用者忠誠度呈顯著正相關。5.網路ATM使用者滿意度會對品牌形象與使用者忠誠度之間產生中介效果。


網路ATM 滿意度 忠誠度


Since it was introduced to the market in 2004, Web ATM services are now provided by 48 financial institutions. In order to compete in this rapidly growing market, satisfaction and loyalty from existing users are essential for firms to attract new customers while maintaining higher retention rates. Herein, this research will provide financial institutions some operation strategy considerations and also as reference for follow-up academic research. The research is based on results of a questionnaire survey from the Web ATM users, completed in both hard copy and online formats. As a result, out of the 331 questionnaires returned, 322 copies are valid, which represents 97.3% validation. Linear regression is used to valuate the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty from its Web ATM users by the variables of brand imagination, quality of customer service and cost of goods. The research findings are as follows: 1. Brand imaginations and satisfaction of Web ATM users have a direct relationship. 2. Quality of customer service and satisfaction of Web ATM users have a direct relationship. 3. Cost of goods and satisfaction of Web ATM users have a direct relationship. 4. Satisfaction and loyalty of Web ATM users have a direct relationship. 5. Satisfaction of web ATM users has an immediate effect between brand imaginations and users loyalty.


Web ATM Satisfaction Loyalty


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