  • 學位論文


The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Integrated into Flipped Classroom on Media Access of Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


台灣雖然擁有亞洲最自由的電視與平面媒體,卻因欠缺監督機制而亂象叢生。青少年時期的國中生階段,正為建構正確價值觀的關鍵時刻,如何培養學生具備媒體素養,學會如何「分辨媒體」、「善用媒體」,乃至於「創製媒體」是成為稱職的公民角色是件重要且不能輕忽的功課。因此本研究期望透過問題導向學習策略融入翻轉教室模式,教導學生自行創製媒體及正向的媒體使用行為。 本研究旨在於探討問題導向學習策略融入翻轉教室對於國中生媒體近用影響,針對台中市某私立中學八年級學生進行研究,採用個案研究法,透過實作課程的教學設計了解對學生媒體近用能力有何影響?研究中包括兩個階段的教學行動,分別為第一階段的翻轉教室教學方式-「Google Classroom平台」操作,以及第二階段的問題導向學習策略。透過媒體素養量表、問題解決量表進行量化分析,分析學生學習前後的影響;以學習心得、觀察記錄、訪談紀錄、教師省思札記等多元方法蒐集質性資料分析。 研究結果發現以問題導向學習策略融入翻轉教室教學方式,能提升八年級國中生媒體近用能力及問題解決能力。而實施問題導向學習融入翻轉教室之個案研究,也能提高教師省思能力,並有助教師專業成長。最後,本研究對於未來欲從事與本研究相關議題的研究者與現職教師,提出若干教學研究方向與建議。


This study aims to explore how the incorporation of problem-based learning strategies with the flipped classroom method can impact junior high school students on media accessibility. The study is conducted on eighth graders of a private school in Taichung. Using the case study research method and observation through the curriculum design of practical lessons, how media accessibility of students can be affected is investigated? There are two stages of teaching activities in this study, divided into the first phase of flipped classroom teaching - "Google Classroom platform" operation and the second phase of the problem-based learning strategies. Through quantitative analysis conducted on the media literacy scale and problem-solving scale, the impact on students before and after the activities was analyzed. The results of the study found that the incorporating of problem-based learning strategies with the flipped classroom method can enhance the media accessibility and problem-solving capability of eighth-grade junior high school students. In addition, case studies into the implementation of problem-based learning with flipped classrooms also improved the reflective ability of teachers, which is helpful in terms of their professional growth. Finally, this study proposed several directions and suggestions on research in teaching for future researchers and current teachers desiring to engage in related areas of this topic.


