  • 學位論文


A Study on Business Model of Trusted Service Management and Consumer Protection

指導教授 : 林宜男


近年來智慧型手機風行全球,相較於信用卡而言,消費者對於手機的忠誠度高,使得業者投入擴充智慧型手機的功能以提高自身競爭力,行動支付成為未來各界努力的目標。2012年五大電信公司與悠遊卡公司正式成立的信託服務平台-Trusted Service Management,目的是為促進國內行動支付的發展,簡化服務供應商之間協商的過程、減少NFC技術之間使用的規格及差異、降低服務供應商進入障礙。由於行動支付NFC將消費者日常生活常用的信用卡、交通票證、現金、鑰匙等物品存入至手機SIM卡內,提升消費者的便利性,然而,當消費者在享受便利的交易過程中,往往牽涉到個人資料的揭露、買賣糾紛處理等都是消費者關切的議題,也是未來推行信託服務平台的重點。 本研究認為在行動支付商業模式發展過程中,消費者個人資料保護與線上消費爭端解決機制,兩大議題為消費者主要考量因素。信託服務平台不僅降低服務供應商間參與障礙,也應將消費者保護做為導向,否則即使再便利的消費環境,若無法兼顧安全交易保障仍舊會宣告失敗。本研究以第三方支付服務業作為信託服務平台建構消費者安全交易環境之解決方式,達到個人資料保護的同時亦兼顧線上消費爭端解決機制。




In recent years, the smart phone is so popular around the world. Besides, the brand loyalty of smart phone is even much higher than that of the credit card. In order to enhance its competition, the way about how to perform the mobile payment faster and easier has become an important issue in the future. In Taiwan, the top five telecommunication companies and Taipei Smart Card Corporation are establishing a platform, called Trusted Service Management, aim to promote the mobile payment in domestic business. Its purposes are to simplify the process of negotiation between service providers, clarify the differences of specifications in NFC technology, and reduce the barriers among service providers for the purpose of getting in. Mobile NFC payment enables the consumers use credit cards, tickets, cash, keys, and other items by putting those into their SIM cards to enhance the convenience in their daily life. Besides, the consumers concern about the process of the transactions, involving the personal information disclosure, trading disputations, and so on. Therefore, those issues also can be treated as the main topics for the implementation of Trusted Service Management business model in the future. This study states that at the development process of mobile payment model n, these two main issues, consumer protection of personal information and online consumer disputation settlement mechanism, really affect the consumers’ considerations so much. When Trust Services Management is used to reduce the barriers among service providers, the consumer protection should also be conducted at the same time, otherwise the whole system would probably fail eventually. This study also suggests that the Trust Services Management must play the role as the third-party payment service. It must construct the security transaction platform, protect personal information, and take into the consideration the consumer disputation settlement mechanism.


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5. 行政院消費者保護會網站,http://www.cpc.ey.gov.tw/
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