  • 學位論文


The Policy Effect of One-Stop Service on Internal Customer: A Case study of Taipei’s 1999 Citizen Hotline Service

指導教授 : 李仲彬


【研究背景與問題】 流程簡化是公共治理的趨勢,近年來不管是公私部門都在做變革。臺北市政府於民國97年優化「1999市民熱線」,將各派工業務納入「1999」單一窗口服務,改變各機關的結構與作業流程,不過卻造成話務量與業務量迅速正向增長,首當其衝當然為第一線的執行人員,其必須承擔相對於他們的責任而言甚為龐大的案件數量,對這些基層人員的個人心理及行為層面產生影響,所以說單一窗口真的僅帶來好處嗎?從過去研究發現都是較正面看待,單從外部顧客的角度,卻忽略從內部顧客分析單一窗口服務對組織與人員所造成的影響狀況。 基於上述背景之下,本研究主要問題有:(1)透過文獻整理,整合單一窗口後對組織內部顧客造成哪些影響?(2)研究個案可能造成組織內部顧客的影響有哪些因素?(3)提供1999市民熱線派工系統解決問題的策略有哪些? 【研究方法】 本研究採用質化方法,訪談對象為派工案件承辦人與案件執行人員,主要以受理「1999」案件量較多的局處作為優先選擇,以及臺北市「1999」直接相關受理服務類別的各局處,最終訪談五個局處,共十一名受訪者。 【研究發現與建議】 研究發現除了原先所假設「裁量權」的影響被排除之外,「回應性」、「工作壓力」、「權責劃分」、「人力資源」亦是直接或間接影響基層執行人員的關鍵所在。因此,本研究也針對這四項影響面向分別提供政策建議,期望當政府在進行改造或創新時,不能單從外部來檢視評判政策的好壞,亦要兼顧內部顧客的感受,在缺乏異議聲音的反饋之下,而僅一昧的追求成效加重人員的負擔,這將導致政策容易引起額外的副作用。


Research background and problems: Process simplification, making life easier for citizens, is an indisputable trend of public governance. In recent years, both public and private sectors have been active in redesigning services, to be in tune with the needs of customers or citizens. The Taipei city government optimized the "1999 Citizen Hotline" in 2008, integrating numerous operations and services most needed by the average citizen into the "1999" One-Stop Service. The city government’s reforms have not only changed the structure and work flow of government agencies, but also led to a rapid increase of the workloads of frontline civil servants. This explosion of the number of cases the average frontline bureaucrat has to be in charge of, relative to his/her range of responsibility, has led to personal psychological and behavioural consequences. These consequences question whether the effects of the One-Stop Service are primarily positive. Past researches have overwhelmingly viewed the service positively, since the policy was analysed from the perspective of external customers. However, this simplified view of the One-Stop Service will ultimately led to policy ineffectiveness. In light of the potential problems concerning the Taipei City Government’s One-Stop Service, the purpose of the present study is to answer the following objectives:through the integration and analysis of relevant literature, determine the effects of the One-Stop Service on the organization’s internal customers?Second,use interview case studies to determine the potential causes and factors that may influence customers within the organization?Third,provide the 1999 citizen hotline dispatching system, policy suggestions and solution strategies. Research methods: This research utilized qualitative methods to collect data. Interviews of civil servants who are service dispatchers or case undertakers were conducted. Interview subjects in bureaus and agencies, which have dealt with large quantities of "1999" cases, or were directly responsible for dealing with specific service categories of the Taipei City 1999 service, were prioritized over other government institutions. The final interview samples came from five different bureaus/agencies, with a total of 11 interviewees. Research findings and recommendations: The results of the study indicate that the influence of "discretion" was not as hypothesized, while "response", "work pressure", "power and responsibility division" and "human resources" all directly or indirectly exert a significant influence on frontline civil servants. Therefore, this study has provided policy advice concerning these four influences, respectively. It is suggested that when government institutions are reforming or innovating, merely evaluating the pros and cons of a policy from an external perspective is not enough. The opinions and feelings of internal customers must also be taken into account. To act with the absence of objections and feedbacks, geared only to the pursuit of success, would cause the policy to generate unwanted additional side effects.


