  • 學位論文


Research on Generation of a Guiding Road Map for Scenic Spots

指導教授 : 魏世杰


隨著所得提高,生活水準提升,人們越來越重視休閒旅遊活動。面對眾多的旅遊景點,如何簡明扼要的導引旅客到達不熟悉景點遂成為一項課題。就不熟悉景點而言,雖然我們可以查詢電子或紙本地圖,知道如何到達此景點的路徑,但也希望除了最短路徑資訊以外,能獲得景點周邊重要道路資訊的提示。故本研究目標是希望提供到達景點的周邊交通簡易圖,方法則以改良戴氏演算法為基礎進行規劃。步驟上先給定台灣區景點住址,經由GoogleMap定址服務找出景點對應的經緯度及十字路口。再透過運研所數值地圖找出附近高階路網入口點,產生高階路網圍繞框。接著找出附近國道及省道入口點,標出各入口點到景點沿途的重要高階及低階道路。 本文選擇高雄地區景點當作各演算法步驟的示範範例,另選取台北地區,台中地區,台南地區,花東地區,布袋地區,共六處景點進行結果展示。本文特色有三,在問題定義上,有別於過去研究著重於簡化道路形狀,長度,角度上,本研究在簡圖產生上,著重於重要道路及圍繞框的生成及標示。在演算法創新上,提供各種以戴氏為基礎的道路指引演算法,如附近高階路網指引演算法,國道指引演算法,省道指引演算法,復原國省道與原點間路徑演算法,復原低階路網演算法等。在系統整合上,結合Google Map的查詢底圖,及經緯度功能,以及上述產生景點圍繞框等演算法,提供一套查詢景點周圍重要路網的雛型系統。


With the increasing income and level of living standards, people are willing to spend more leisure time in tour activities. As the scenic spots grow more and more, it has become a major issue for tourists to travel to an unfamiliar spot in an easy way. Tourists usually find the way to the spot by consulting the map.While the map can show the shortest path, tourists often find that extra tips showing important roads surrounding the scenic spot will help. Based on the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm, this work aims to provide such a schematic road map around the desired spot. Given the address of a scenic spot in Taiwan, its latitude and longitude are first found by Google Map. Then based on the Institute of Transportation (IOT) Road Network Digital Atlas, a surrounding box around the desired spot and its entry points are identified on the high-level road network. Finally the nearest access points of the national and provincial highways are located and the access paths are shown from those access points to the desired spot. For depiction of the algorithms used, a test spot in the Kaohsiung area is selected. Other demonstrations include spots in urban and suburban areas of Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Hualien and Taitung, and Butai. There are 3 features in this work. First, in terms of problem definition, it focuses on generation of the high-level surrounding box instead of the traditional simplification on road shape and length. Second, in terms of algorithmic novelty, it proposes several Dijkstra-based algorithms for generation of guiding roads. They include algorithms which generate the nearby high-level surrounding box, find the nearest national and provincial highway access points, mark the path leading from the access points to the surrounding box,and restore the proper low-level road network connecting the surrounding box to the desired spot inside. Third, in terms of system integration, this work has completed a prototypical system which can input the spot address, query its coordinate by Google Map, identify the nearest intersection, and run the proposed algorithms mentioned above to generate a useful guiding road map for scenic spots.


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