  • 學位論文

活性粉多孔隙混凝土應用於道路面層 之工程性質研究

A Study on Engineering Properties of Reactive Powder Porous Concrete as Pavement Surface Course

指導教授 : 劉明仁


多孔隙混凝土具有良好排水、吸音與抗滑能力,並且適合鋪設於台灣濕熱氣候的環境。由於多孔隙混凝土之孔隙率高,強度低於一般混凝土,故應用範圍受到侷限。活性粉混凝土則具有優越之抗壓、抗彎強度,本研究目標在於結合多孔隙混凝土和活性粉混凝土之特性,製作出活性粉多孔隙混凝土,以改善其力學性質與驗證其績效,提供鋪面工程選擇排水鋪面面層材料的另一項選擇。 本研究以添加矽灰、石英粉、強塑劑、矽砂與鋼纖維組成之活性粉砂漿,改良水泥砂漿強度與黏著性。並挑選較緻密之粗骨材級配,使骨材顆粒間接觸點增多,黏結面積也會相對增加等方法,藉以提高活性粉多孔隙混凝土力學強度,以滿足一般道路強度需求。本研究利用試驗室試驗方法檢驗力學強度,並引用多孔隙瀝青混凝土之Cantabro磨耗試驗方法,檢驗多孔隙混凝土抵抗磨耗能力。本研究試驗結果顯示: 1. 各試驗組別之新拌多孔隙混凝土在坍度試驗中,除控制組外,均能獲得較大之坍度。以本研究配比條件下,添加愈多活性粉砂漿,工作性也愈佳,標稱粒徑愈大,其單位重也較大。 2. 活性粉多孔隙混凝土抗壓試驗的結果顯示,透過加入活性粉砂漿與使用高溫養護的方法,已經可以使活性粉多孔隙混凝土28天齡期抗壓強度超越一般混凝土之強度(280kg/cm2)。 3. 活性粉多孔隙混凝土抗彎試驗的結果顯示,使用三分點荷重法施做之28天齡期抗彎強度,以經可以符合國道一般水泥混凝土路面之設計抗彎強度(45kg/cm2),並達到目標抗彎強度(52kg/cm2)。 4. 透水試驗結果顯示活性粉多孔隙混凝土具有良好透水能力,滲透係數皆符合日本規範要求(>0.01cm/sec)。活性粉多孔隙混凝土由於有明顯之路面紋理深度,而有助於提供路面良好之抗滑能力。磨耗試驗證實採用活性粉砂漿能提供良好抗磨耗能力。


Porous concrete is good at drainage, sound absorption and skid resistance, and is suitable for the hot and humid environment in Taiwan. Since its high air voids resulting in lower strength than conventional concrete, the range of application has limitation. Reactive powder concrete, however, has superior compressive and flexural strength. This study aims at combining the unique characteristic of porous concrete and reactive powder concrete, and to develop the reactive powder porous concrete (RPPC). RPPC has improved mechanical properties and performance, and hopefully will be an alternative of surface drainage material for the rigid pavement construction. Reactive powder mortar made of silica fume, crushed quartz, silica, superplasticizer sand and steel fiber was used in RPPC to improve strength and adhesion in this study. Concept of densest gradation packing was utilized to increase the strength of aggregate skeleton. Compressive strength, flexural strength and Cantabro abrasion tests were performed to examine the mechanical behavior of RPPC. Major findings based on the results of our tests are summarized as follows: 1. All groups of fresh porous concrete had large slumps except the control group. Our results showed that the more reactive powder mortar, the better workability. Also the larger nominal maximum size, the heavier unit weight. 2. Results of compressive strength test showed that RPPC using reactive powder mortar and high temperature curing had 28-day strengths greater than 280 kg/cm2. 3. Results of third-point loading flexural strength test showed that RPPC had 28-day flexural strengths greater than the design strength of 45 kg/cm2 and meet the target strength requirement of 52 kg/cm2 for national expressway. 4. Results of the permeability and British Pendulum tests showed that RPPC had good drainage and skid resistance. Cantabro abrasion test results showed that RPPC also had good abrasion resistance.


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Liu, Y. S. (2011). 垃圾焚化爐底渣應用於透水性MRC之配比研究 [master's thesis, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2011.00070
