  • 學位論文


Policy changes from National Housing to Social Housing: An Analysis of Multiple Streams

指導教授 : 曾冠球


「政策變遷」(policy change),意指一項政策取代既存政策的情形,包含採納新政策,或是現存政策的修正與廢止。 一項政策制訂後往往隨著時間發展,受到政治現實與社會複雜性影響而產生變遷。 探討政策變遷的文獻日益增加。大體上,所運用的模式主要包括:「政策窗」、「倡議聯盟架構」、「斷續均衡」等理論。本文對我國住宅政策的討論是以多元流模式討論其政策變遷,多元流模式又稱政策窗模式,政策窗理論將影響政策制定的因素分為「問題流」(Problem Stream)、「政策流」(Policy Stream)和「政治流」(Politic Stream)三個面向。在三流匯合,此一組合的時機,即是政策之機會窗開啟,也是政策得以變遷的時候。本文透過內容分析法及訪談法將住宅政策相關的新聞、學者的專欄透過分析歸納從國民住宅到社會住宅變遷的政策過程。


"Policy change" means a policy that replaces an existing policy, including the adoption of a new policy, or an amendment or abrogation of an existing policy. After a policy is often developed over time, by the political reality and social complexity of the impact of change. The literature on policy change is increasing. In general, the models used include: "policy window", " advocacy coalition framework", "punctuated equilibrium" theory. In this paper, the discussion of China's housing policy is to discuss its policy changes in a multi-flow model, the policy of multiple streams model, also known as the policy window, the policy window will affect the policy-making factors into "Problem stream”,” Policy stream” and "Politic Stream” three for. The three streams has combined on the right time, that is, the policy window of opportunity to open, that policy will be change. This paper analyzes the news and scholar’s columns related to housing policy from the perspective of literature analysis, and sums up the policy process from national housing to social housing.


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