  • 學位論文


An action research of incorporating information technology with Chinese rhetoric instruction in the nine grade-with an example of urban junior high school in Taipei city

指導教授 : 何俐安


本研究為國中國文修辭教學方法的行動研究。因應資訊融入國文學習的概念,本研究運用資訊融入國中國文對聯修辭學習,對九年級國文課程實施二週的行動研究,嘗試在國中國文科修辭課程結合資訊融入的學習方法,發展相關課程教案、表單以供日後相關老師與研究作為參考。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、適當的資訊融入教材設計可以改變學習動機。 二、短期的資訊融入國文課程對學習動機的影響不明顯。 三、學生喜歡利用遊戲的方式進行複習。 四、資訊融入促使學生可以主動強化複習。 五、學生利用資訊融入的反覆練習特性提高了作答速度。 本研究進一步對於研究結果進行討論與應用建議,希望本研究結果能提供相關研究投入與國文修辭教育教學應用實務之參考。


This study was an action research on the teaching approaches of the Chinese rhetoric in the junior high school. Under the multi-learning framework, this study conducted a two-week action research in which information technology was incorporated in the instruction of the Chinese rhetoric for the ninth graders. For this action research, lesson plans and worksheets established were archived, and the main findings were as follows: 1. Learning motivation of students was changed when information technology was appropriately incorporated in teaching materials. 2. A short-term combination of lessons with information technology had minor effect on the learning motivation of students. 3. For lesson reviews, students preferred those with games. 4. The uses of information technology in lesson reviews invoked active participation of students, and thus enhanced the effect of such reviews. 5. Students improved the speed of answering through repeated practices that were realized with the application of information technology. These above and other results of the action research were discussed in detail in the text where suggestions to implications of relevant teaching approaches were also provided. All these are in the hope to serve as the bases to both future researches and teaching practices on the instruction of the Chinese rhetoric.


