  • 學位論文


Internet advertising company in Taiwan to enhance advertising effectiveness affiliate's competitive strategy analysis - to O Internet advertising company as an example

指導教授 : 林志鴻
共同指導教授 : 賴錦璋(Chin-Chang Lai)


本研究針對近年來網際網路的普及,帶動網路廣告的興起與發展,讓企業開始注意到網路廣告的效用,也使得網路購物和網路社群的蓬勃發展,愈來愈多人選擇透過網路購買商品和搜尋資訊,消費者轉而透過比價和更優惠的價格在網路上購買。因此如何利用網路廣告公司現有的優勢,藉由聯盟會員全力推對廣告素材推廣與執行以達到提升廣告效益之競爭策略。 本研究藉由一特定網路廣告公司為個案研究探討對象,對個案網路廣告公司以盟會員對廣告素材推廣與執行作為競爭策略來達成其提升廣告效益的競爭策略進行研究。採用Lin and Pao (2004)提出之策略管理架構,歸納出企業競爭策略形成之重要相關因素,以提供網路廣告產業相關參考。本研究採個案研究法,透過國內外相關文獻探討、初級資料及次級資料的蒐集,歸納結論如下: 一、在企業使命陳述之下,綜合內部環境、外部產業環境及總體環境的分析評估後,歸納出O網路廣告公司競爭策略形成之重要考量因素:在內部環境面為「精準廣告系統與專業行銷」,在外部產業環境面為「佣金高廣告區隔化」,在總體環境面為「宅經濟使消費更便利」。總結前述三大重要因素,形成O網路廣告公司之競爭策略係「聯盟會員對廣告素材推廣與執行」來達成使命陳述。 二、以個案O網路廣告公司之使命陳述—「成為台灣獲利率最高的聯盟行銷平台」,評估其內部環境、外部產業環境及總體環境,歸納出該O網路廣告公司適合以聯盟會員對廣告素材推廣與執行為其競爭策略來達成其「提升廣告效益」之策略。


In this study, in recent years, the popularity of Internet, mobile network advertising with the rise and development, so that enterprises began to notice the effectiveness of online advertising, but also makes online shopping and Internet community to flourish, more and more people select the purchase of goods via the network and search for information, consumers turn through parity and better prices on the web purchases. Therefore, how to use the Internet advertising company's existing strengths, efforts to push through affiliate marketing and execution of advertising material in order to achieve the competitive strategies to enhance advertising effectiveness. This study is a specific network advertising company as a case study was to investigate the object, Internet advertising company to the case of advertising material promoting EU membership as a competitive strategy and execution to achieve their competitive strategy to enhance advertising effectiveness study. Using Lin and Pao (2004) proposed strategic management structure, summarized the formation of corporate competitive strategy important factors, in order to provide Internet advertising industry related reference. This is a case study approach by domestic and foreign literature, primary data and secondary data collection, conclusions are summarized as follows: 1.Under the corporate mission statement, comprehensive internal environment, external environment and the overall industry environment analysis assessment, summed O Internet advertising company formed an important competitive strategy considerations: In the internal environment surface is "precise and professional advertising system marketing "in the external industry environment as" high commission ad compartmentalization "in the overall environmental aspect as the" home economy so that consumption is more convenient. "Summarize the preceding three important factors, the formation of O Internet advertising company's competitive strategy is "affiliate promotion and execution of advertising material" to accomplish the mission statement. 2.The case O Internet advertising company mission statement - "to become the highest interest rate in Taiwan is affiliate marketing platform" to assess their internal environment, external environment and the overall industry environment, summed up the O-suited to Internet advertising company affiliate promotion and implementation of advertising material for its competitive strategy to achieve their "enhance advertising effectiveness" strategies.


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