  • 學位論文


A Study on University Tuition Fee Policy and Financial Assistances for Disadvantaged Students in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究以訪談法為主,文件分析法為輔,來探討我國大學學費政策及對弱勢學生助學措施之研究,本研究主要目的包含: 一、了解我國大學校院學費政策之沿革及現行規定。 二、了解我國政府及大學校院對弱勢學生就學之照顧。 三、探討我國大學學費政策對於弱勢學生就學之影響。 四、透過訪談法瞭解我國大學校院對於弱勢學生就學之照顧現況、 實施成效,促成就學公平之情形。 本研究之主要結論可分從下述二方面歸納: 壹、我國大學學費政策 一、雖然教育部曾嘗試建立常態性學費調整機制,但我國大學校院學 雜費並無法依既有計算公式調整 二、公私立大學學雜費依然存在很大差距 三、公私立大學財源狀況因學雜費收入受限,容易陷於困境 貳、我國政府對弱勢學生助學之措施 一、教育部對於不同助學措施之弱勢學生定義不同 二、在不同助學措施下,弱勢學生補助標準有些不近合理


This study aims, via adopting the methods of interview and document analysis, to explore the tuition fee policy and financial assistances for disadvantaged students in Taiwan. The main purposes of this study include: 1. To understand the historical development and existing regulations of higher education tuition policy in Taiwan. 2. To understand the financial assistances provided for disadvantaged students by the government and universities. 3. To explore the influence of higher education tuition policy on the disadvantaged students. 4. Through the method of interview, to understand the actual assistances received by disadvantaged students and the equity of higher education. Opportunity in Taiwan. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. Although the Ministry of Education has tried to establish the general rules for the adjustment tuition fees, universities can’t alter their tuition fees according to the MOE’s rules regularly. 2. There are great differences in the tuition fees charged between the public and private universities. 3. The funding of universities are limited because of the MOE’s restriction on raising their tuition fees. 4. The term of “disadvantaged students” are defined differently by different rules of assistance schemes, of the government. 5. Some existing financial assistances for the disadvantaged students are not fair or reasonable in terms of the equity of educational opportunity.


教育部電子報(2004)。2004 年六月 25 日
