  • 學位論文


A study on the "Multi-Star Project" of the university entrance system and adjustment of students entering universities through this project in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究主要採用文件分析法及訪談法進行,訪談法設定學校是以臺灣大學、國立臺北教育大學、淡江大學、東吳大學等四所案例大學之繁星生為對象進行半結構式的訪談,旨在針對我國大學繁星計畫實施至今情形分析。本研究主要目的包含: 一、探討我國一般大學校院入學制度的發展沿革。 二、瞭解近年來大學繁星入學制度之成效。 三、了解繁星生入學後所面臨之問題,及就讀學校所採取的因應策略。 四、根據研究提出建議,作為繁星入學制度改革及大學校院協助繁星生解決入學適應問題之參考。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、隨著繁星計畫的名額逐年上升,多元入學方案成為未來大學入學方式的主流,也使得考試入學名額減少。 二、繁星計畫實施至今似乎與原旨有一段距離。 三、繁星計畫實施後使得大學學生來源多元,但受惠者多為社區高中學生,則與教育機會均等之理念原旨尚有距離 四、繁星推薦的入學制度,對高中生帶來入學立足點的平等,卻也出現成績計算方式不公平的負面聲浪 五、繁星推薦的問題,包括:對高中學生宣導不足、且大學並未給予繁星生特殊的輔導措施 六、繁星生針對目前繁星計畫的實施正、反兩面看法兼有,正面評價包括:經濟實惠、給予學生上面向上的動力;負面評價包括錄取名額的分配問題、針對繁星生入學後的特殊規定、繁星生基本能力不足的問題。 最後,本研究依據所獲結論,針對教育主管機關、大專校院、高級中學及未來研究提出相關建議,以供參考。


This study mainly, via adopting the methods of document analysis, and semi-structured interviews, to explore the implementation of the system of Multi-Star Project in universities in Taiwan. Students under the Multi-Star Project in four selected universities (2 public and 2 private universities in Taipei), e.g., National Taiwan University, National Taipei University of Education, Tamkang University, Soochow University are chosen as samples for the interview. The main purposes of this study are: 1.To explore the historical development of the University Entrance System in Taiwan. 2.To analyze the effectiveness of the university entrance system of the Multi-Star Project in recent years. 3.To explore the problems faced by students entered through the Multi-Star Project in selected four universities and strategies adopted correspondingly. 4. To propose suggestions for the improvement on the Multi-Star Entrance Policy in the future. Conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.With the increasing encouraged implementation of the Multi-Star Project, the number of students recruited via this project has been increasing gradually in recent years, and this project has seemed to be the mainstream of the University Multiple Entrance System, but the number of students recruited from other routes, especially through the joint-entrance examination has been accordingly reduced. 2.The implementation of the Mutil-Star Project has resulted in the changes of its purpose from the one originally designed to reinforce the wider access of students from the economically disadvantaged families to students from the remote residential areas. 3. The implementation of the Mutil-Star Project has resulted in the increasing diversification of students in terms of their origins, but students graduated from community high schools are the group benefited the most, rather than the students from the poorer families, the originally targeted group under the concept of equality of educational opportunity. 4.The implementation of the Mutil-Star Project has its advantages and disadvantages, the former include saving money for students in term of the payments for application, striving high school graduate students to continue further study in universities, etc. 5.The problems of the Mutil-Star Project can be summarized as follows: (1) Unfairness of the method of calculation of grades or scores of students in high schools. (2) Inadequate advocacy or explanation of this project to high school students. (3) No efficient and sufficient guidance or consultation services provided especially for those students after entering universities. (4) The unfair or unequal allocation of the number of students of this project to different universities.


林民程 (2009)。弱勢學區的明燈?──對社區繁星計畫與北星計畫之評估。師友,507,52-55。


