  • 學位論文


A case study to Digital Product purchase decision

指導教授 : 張紘炬 黃志文


數位產品在人們的生活中已扮演極為重要的角色,尤其以數位內容製造出的產品為最,因此本研究是針對購買過數位產品的大學生來做調查,利用事前調查的產品中,最多人擁有的線上遊戲、數位相機、數位手機為考量點,以瞭解在面對多樣的數位產品之購買決策行為。根據Kollat(2001)等學者所提出的「消費者購買決策模式-EKB Model」理論為基礎,選擇其中「消費動機」、「消息來源」、「評估準則」、「採購行為」四步驟為研究主軸,並觀察「性別」、「年級」、「學院」、「購買涉入」與「生活型態群」對消費者購買決策的影響。 把總回收的654份樣本數,採用信度分析(Reliability Analysis)、敘述統計(Descriptive Statistics Analysis)、變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、交叉表分析(Crosstabs Analysis, Cross-tabulation交叉分析分組列表)、卡方檢定(Chi-Square test)、項目分析(Item Analysis)、因素分析(Factor Analysis)、集群分析(Cluster Analysis) 等統計方法來分析。本研究主要的研究結果如下: 一、性別、學院對購買決策的消息來源、評估準則、跟隨購買與由 誰購買有顯著影響差異,而性別、年級對購買決策的參考人數有顯著影響差異,其他則是無顯著差異。 二、線上遊戲的高、低涉入受測者對「消費動機」、「消息來源」、「性別」、「學院」、「跟隨購買」、「由誰購買」上有顯著差異;數位相機的高、低涉入者皆對「消費動機」、「消息來源」、「評估準則」、「性別」、「學院」、「參考人數」上有顯著差異;數位手機的高、低涉入者皆對「消費動機」、「消息來源」、「評估準則」「性別」、「學院」、「參考人數」、「跟隨購買」上有顯著差異。 三、生活型態群對「消費動機」、「消息來源」、「評估準則」、「學院」「線上遊戲高、低涉入」、「數位相機高、低涉入」、「數位手機高、低涉入」上有顯著差異。


The purpose of this study was to examine the purchase decision of digital product. The study use EKB Model, analyzed the purchase decision which included purchase demands, information sources, evaluation criteria, purchase behavior to gender, grade, college& institute, purchase involvement, Life Style. Totally 654 effective questionnaires are analyzed by the Multivariate Statistic analysis methods. They are Reliability Analysis, Descriptive Statistics Analysis, One-Way ANOVA, Crosstabs Analysis, Chi-Square test, Item Analysis, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis. The following six points are the main discoveries of this research: 1.The gender and college& institute have influence on information, alternative evaluation, buy with someone, buy by someone. The gender and grade have influence on consulting someone. 2.The purchase involvement of the on-line games, Digital Still-picture Cameras, Cellular Phone have influence on purchase decision. The on-line games has an effect on motivation, information, gender ,college& institute, buy with someone, buy by someone. Digital Still-picture Cameras has an effect on motivation, information, alternative evaluation, gender ,college& institute, consulting someone. Cellular Phone have influence on motivation, information, alternative evaluation, gender ,college& institute, consulting someone, buy with someone. 3.Life Style has influence on motivation, information, alternative evaluation, college& institute, the purchase involvement of the on-line games, Digital Still-picture Cameras, Cellular Phone.


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