  • 學位論文


Supplier Relationship Management-An Example from HP Corporation Handheld Division

指導教授 : 林光賢


隨著全球國際大廠委外代工需求的高漲,連帶促使下游代工產業蓬勃的發展,在此之際,企業也漸漸發覺到傳統的威權式管理,早已無法因應新興的代工產業。加上,隨著代工廠商在技術等專業程度的累積,供需雙方的地位也逐漸由傳統上“買方導向”、“以客為尊”的舊思維,慢慢演變為彼此平等、互惠的合作夥伴關係。 企業的本質在於藉由供需雙方及其客戶等,多方的努力、合作與配合之下,以獲取公司及其股東最大的利益為經營目標。因此,在日益競爭的商場上,企業要如何藉由人與人之間、公司與公司之間等和諧關係的建立與維持,進而掌控有關供應商關係管理的成功要素與關鍵,自然而然也成為在全球化浪潮之下,新一代企業經營管理者所要面對的下一個重要課題。 本研究所處的時代正介於企業經營管理之新舊思維的演變中,隨著資訊科技日漸的發展與成熟,電腦系統已逐漸取代人工操作。然而,電腦始終無法完全取代人與人之間的信任與承諾,“關係”與“信任”之於企業不再是可有可無的事物,它們已經成為新一代企業經理人在供應商關係管理上不可或缺的專業技能,它們是一種實實在在的企業資產。


With the rising global demand of outsourcing of international companies, the downstream foundry industry is also developed prosperously. In the meantime, enterprises are gradually found that the traditional management of authoritarian-style has been unable to deal with emerging foundry industry. Furthermore, the status of supply and demand sides are gradually evolved from the old thinking of "Customer Orientated" into the “Cooperative Partnership” which embraces with mutual equality and mutual benefit, due to the technologies and the other professional skills of foundry have been accumulating. As the ambition of business is objective to obtain the greatest premium to the company itself and its shareholders, by the efforts of multi-collaborator of supply, demand sides and both of their clients. Therefore, in this competitive marketplace, enterprises must learning to establish and to maintain the harmonious relationship between peoples and companies, in order to control the success key elements of Supplier Relationship Management(SRM). And SRM is truly an important know-how to a new generation of enterprise managers who are under the industry trend of globalization. The thesis is written under the evolution era between the old and new thinking of enterprise management. Along with the mature development of information technology, computer systems have gradually replaced manual operations. However, the computer systems have been unable to replace trust and commitment between peoples and companies. Lastly, "Relationship" and "Trust" are no longer the nonessential things to enterprise, they have already become the requisite professional skills to a new generation of enterprise managers, and they are the real business asset indeed.


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