  • 學位論文

臺北市優質學校指標之學校顧客知覺研究 -以市立國民小學為例

A Research on the Customer’s Perception of High Quality School’s Indicators in Taipei City.-Examples of Elementary Schools in Taipei

指導教授 : 楊國賜


本研究之目的在於:一、解析臺北市優質學校指標。二、瞭解學校顧客對臺北市優質學校指標的品質知覺(Quality Perception)情形並進ㄧ步比較不同背景變項之顧客對優質學校指標適切性及功能性差異情形。三、根據研究結果提出建議,以供臺北市優質學校指標持續發展之參考。本研究以問卷調查法來收集所需資料,問卷包含:一、優質學校教育九大指標重要性情形;二、優質學校教育九大指標適用性情形;三、指標功能學校顧客知覺情形;四、顧客滿意情形;五、個人基本資料。 本研究以臺北市國小教師會及家長會及行政人員為研究對象,抽樣方式依學校規模採立意抽樣,抽取30所學校,每校發放家長會幹部10位、教師會幹部10位及行政人員10位,共發放900份問卷,回收551份,回收有效率為61.2%。資料處理採敘述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及雪費法事後比較。本研究主要結果為: 一、指標重要性以「校園營造」向度得分最高;「行政管理」向度次高。 二、指標適切性以「教師教學」向度得分最高;「學校文化」向度次之。 三、指標有用性之得分情形以「其有助於學校顧客檢視學校品質」得分最高。 四、學校顧客知覺學校品質滿意情形,滿意度最高為「校園營造」;次高為「校長領導」。 五、不同背景變項之知覺差異情形:在指標重要性上,男生課程發展與學校文化向度上得分較高、年齡30歲以下及31-40歲在學生學習向度上得分較高、學歷為研究所(含博士)在行政管理向度上得分較高、教師會幹部專業發展向度上得分較高;在指標適用性上,41-50歲在學生學習適用性向度上得分較高、30歲以下及41-50歲在學校文化適用性向度上得分較高、學歷越高在學生學習適用性向度上得分較高;在學校品質滿意度上,女性教師在課程發展與學生學習及專業發展及整體學校品質較為滿意、41-50歲之教師對於教師教學較為滿意而31至50班之教師對於教師教學及學校文化較為滿意。 最後,本研究根據研究結論,提出如下建議: 一、繼續研擬各項參考指標之後細項量化指標; 二、每年視需求彈性建立代表性優質指標,以強化優質指標「反應性」; 三、權責單位應定期修訂優質指標並擴大參與; 四、運用優質指標定期調查學校顧客對學校品質滿意度提升情形; 五、調整指標架構,跳脫「輸入-過程-輸出」的思維; 六、整合相關評鑑,簡化不必要的文書與流程。


The research objects include the members of Primary School Teacher’s Association in the Taipei City, Parents’ Association, and the administrative personnel in the primary school. The sampling method is based on the scale of the school and adopts the stratified random sampling. Thirty schools have been chosen. Each school sends out ten questionnaires for the staffs of Parents’ Association, ten for staffs of Teacher’s Association, ten for school’s administrative personnel with a total of 900 questionnaires. 551 questionnaires have been collected with 61.2% valid retrieval rate. The data processing uses descriptive statistics, independent T test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe method. The main results of this research are the following: First, “campus planning” dimension scores highest and “administrative management” dimension the second highest on customer’s cognition of high quality school’s educational indicators. Second, “teacher’s instruction” scores highest and “school culture” the second highest on the suitability of the nine educational indicators for high quality school. Third, “helpful for customers to review the quality of their school” dimension scores the highest on the usefulness for customer’s cognition of high quality school’s educational indicators in Taipei Municipal Primary Schools. Fourth, “campus planning” scores highest and “principal leadership” the second highest on the satisfaction for customer’s cognition of high quality school’s educational indicators in Taipei City. Fifth, male scores higher than female on “curriculum development” and “school culture” dimensions; Age under 30 and between 31-40 scores higher on “student’s learning” dimension; Educational background with master degree or above scores higher on “administrative management” dimension; Teacher’s Association staffs score higher on “professional development” dimension. Sixth, age between 41 to 50 scores higher on “student’s learning suitability” dimension; Age under 30 and between 41 to 50 score higher on “school culture suitability”; Higher educational background scores higher on “student’s learning suitability” dimension. Seventh, female teachers are more satisfied with curriculum development, student’s learning, professional development, and total school quality. Teachers of age between 41 to 50 are more satisfied with “teacher’s instruction” dimension. Teachers in the school scale between 31 to 50 classes are more satisfied with “teacher’s instruction” and “school culture” dimensions.




