  • 學位論文


Web campaign and web democracy in practice: The case of Su Tseng-Chang's campaign group of Taipei City mayoral election in 2010

指導教授 : 劉慧娟


隨著新媒體科技的發展,台灣的選戰文化已從傳統媒體的文宣思維走向新媒體雙向對話的時代。當政治人物前仆後繼地將網路視為政治文宣的新戰場,網路新媒體除了讓候選人進行更多元的政治行銷應用外,是否也能促使網路民主的發展,增加選民和候選人之間的對話管道以及選民對於選舉事務參與涉入的機會?本研究以2010年台北市長選舉蘇貞昌團隊為個案,以參與觀察法和深入訪談競選團隊的方式,企圖了解競選團隊核心幕僚在進行選戰過程中的政治行銷初衷、規劃網路選戰的態度、及網路選戰操作上的網路民主展現。 研究結果發現,本次競選過程利用新媒體科技提供了較以往明顯增加的對話空間和參與管道,除了讓選民有更多機會涉入選舉事務外,也讓競選團隊在選戰的過程更易於得到選民的回饋和輿情的反應。而雖然網際網路的科技特質為民主政治的對話方式帶來希望,但在選戰佈局與政治行銷的框架下, 網路民主的落實還是建立在選戰佈局下所開放的參與空間,在對話管道和遊戲規則多由競選團隊所主導的狀況下,互動過程偏向雙向不對等的傳播模式。面對超乎選戰節奏的互動回饋時,候選人應對和回應的彈性有限,使得本次網路選戰在網路民主的實踐上,是一種數位政治行銷框架下所開放的民主互動,形成了一種單向度的網路民主2.0。


Along with the development of information and communication technologies, Taiwan’s electoral culture has transformed from one-way political propaganda of traditional mass media to two-way interactive dialogues of new media. When political candidates consider the internet as a new battlefield for political campaigns increasingly, whether web-based new media may promote the progress of web democracy as well as encourage mutual dialogues between candidates and constituency members become crucial issues. By conducting a case study on Su Tseng-Chang’s campaign group of Taipei City mayoral election in 2010, this research examines the ways the campaign group advancing web democracy by designing and executing web campaign plans and tactics strategically. Data collection methods mainly include participant observation and in-depth interviews. Research results indicate that new media technologies afford direct participation and open dialogues during the campaign process. In addition to allowing constituency members to get involved in campaign activities easily, the utilization of new media technologies provides opportunities for the campaign group to gain feedbacks from constituency members directly. Although the technological characteristics of the internet bring hopes to democratic open dialogues, the realization of web democracy is still insufficient. With the goal of winning the election in mind, the interaction between candidates and constituency members in fact tends to remain asymmetrical. The so-called grassroots web democracy at most turns into one-dimensional web democracy 2.0.


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