  • 學位論文


The Applications of System Dynamics Theory in Historical Studies Research-An Attempt at System Think Methodology in Historical Studies

指導教授 : 王樾


史學本身存在的價值與功能為何,史學研究領域始終存在著許多不同的認知與說法,不過在這許多不同的說法中,有一點可能是大部份史學家都同意的,那就是從極現實的觀點來看,史學存在的價值並不明顯、歷史學能發揮的功效不那麼立即可見。要使史學在這種情況下從當今充滿功利思想的社會中獲得關注及資源的投入並持續發展茁壯,除了仰賴研究者的興趣、熱情及政府政策所創造出來的短暫需求外,我們恐怕還必須找出一種淺顯易懂的說法,讓從現實觀點出發的普羅大眾也能從中輕易發現史學研究的價值。 功利思想或許引人爭議,但在時間及資源都有限的情況下,社會還是必須現實的作出判斷,將資源投入眼前最有效益的事,為此本文嘗試展現出史學在利益考量觀點下的存在價值,為史學找到更多的投資者。 透過近年來在各領域中逐漸受到重視的系統思考概念與系統動力理論,本文嘗試在史學研究中發展一套強調時間滯延(Time delay)與因果回饋(Causal Feedback),且適合史學研究的系統思考方法,並藉由其在培養系統思考觀念、開放心態,協助人們從分割、破碎、控制、框架式效應及人定勝天等危險、狹隘思維中走出來這方面所展現出來的功能,凸顯出史學研究在現實社會中的獨特應用價值。 需要特別強調的是,本文所提出的只是一個嘗試,研究中所提出的方法或觀點本身都稱不上所謂的「正確」或「完備」,簡單來說,本文所提出的觀點與方法其實都只能算是一個一個的思考起點,提供大家在面對史學邊緣化的情形時,另一個可能的思考方向。


There are always a variety of different explanations regarding the functions and values of historical studies. However, there is one thing the majority of historians may agree on; that is, if you take a practical point of view, the values of historical studies are not that apparent, nor are its functions immediately effective. For historical studies to gather attention and resources for continuous growth under these circumstances and in an utilitarian society, aside from the researcher's passionate interest and a short term demand created by government policy, we must find a postulation that is easily understandable, so that the practical Proleteriat may effortlessly recognize the value of historical studies. Utilitarianism may be controversial, but with limited time and resources, a society must use practical judgement to apply resources to the most beneficial matters at present. For this reason, this paper attempts to demonstrate the value of historical studies from the benefit measurement perspective, attracting more investors to historical studies. Using the increasingly important System Think concept and System Dynamics theory in various research fields in recent years, this paper attempts to develop a series of methods that not only emphasize Time Delay and Casual Feedback but also utilize System Think in a manner that is applicable to historical studies. By nurturing the System Think concept and an open mentality, we can assist people who are walking away from the dangerous and narrow-minded thinking of divided, haphazard, controlled, framing effect, and 'man can conquer nature' to make historical study's unique application value in real society prominent. It should be emphasized that this paper is only an attempt. The methods or viewpoints in the research are not necessarily 'correct' let alone 'perfect'. Simply, the viewpoints and methods discussed are just starting points for another potential direction of thinking, when facing historical study being marginalized.


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