  • 學位論文


Comparisons of Phosphate removal between blast furnace slags and Granular Ferric Hydroxide

指導教授 : 康世芳




轉爐石 粒狀氫氧化鐵 沉澱 吸附


Basic oxygen furnace steel slag (BOF) is an industry by-product from steel manufacture and is a low-cost adsorbent. Granular ferric hydroxide (GFH) is a commercial available adsorbent. This study compares the adsorption removal of phosphate between BOF and GFH. BOF from The China steel company and phosphate-containing synthetic water were used in this study. The operational parameters included water washed, pH, type and dosage of adsorbent (BOF and GFH), initial concentration of phosphate (P), and contact time. All experiments were conducted by the batch. Furthermore, the chemical composition and surface morphology of adsorbents were examined by energy dispersive spectrum (EDS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. The results of chemical composition from EDS tests show that BOF contained 12.6% of Ca (wt%), which released Ca ions from the slag into solution to induce high pH levels to above 11. The released Ca ions could react with P to form the precipitation of Ca-phosphate compounds. The released Ca ions concentration increased with the increasing dosage of BOF and leaded to increase removal of P. In contrast, the chemical composition of GFH did not contain Ca but contained 68% (wt %) of Fe. The removal mechanism of P by GFH was predominant by the formation of Fe- phosphate compounds onto GFH surface. The SEM micrographs show that Fe-phosphate compounds formed on the GFH surface. The optimum pH for the removal of P by BOF and GFH was at 11 and 4, respectively. The phosphate removal capacity (PRC) of BOF was about 3-4times of that of GFH. The removal of P increased with the increasing both dosage of BOF and GFH. Original BOF could remove more than 90% of P, whereas it was about 20% for water washed BOF. The removal of P by BOF did not increase significant as contact time extended more than 30 min because more than 90% of dissolution of Ca ions occurred during the contact time less than 30 min. However, the removal of P by GFH increased with the increasing contact time. Moreover, commercial price of GFH was higher as about 120 times of BOF. Overall, the removal mechanism of P by BOF and GFH was precipitation and adsorption, respectively. Based on the PRC and economic feasibility, BOF is a cost-effective adsorbent than GFH for the removal of P.


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