  • 學位論文

以ISO 19650為導向之BIM-based工程釋疑協同系統開發之研究

Development of BIM-based and ISO19650-Oriented RFI Management System

指導教授 : 蔡明修


在營建工程生命週期中,必須透過設計單位、營建承攬廠商、協力包商乃至物業管理廠商間的充分協同合作,才得以從無到有將工程成果交付到使用者手中。因過程中各項的工程規劃、設計、施工圖說檔常具有明顯或是潛在的錯誤與盲點,再加上各專業單位皆有其特定之知識經驗與角度,因此工程團隊成員間如何針對工程問題提出工程釋疑(Request For Information, RFI)並予以解答,成為工程是否能順利完成交付的關鍵。然而,據Navigant顧問公司(Navigant Consulting, Inc.)於2013年針對全球各地營建專案共一百萬份RFI的研究,亞洲區回覆RFI的時間的中位數約為10天,並且全球在專案上平均處理RFI的成本約為1,080美元,未回覆的RFI甚至高達35%。未能良好地針對RFI以中心化的儲存方式、標準化的流程進行追蹤及監控是原因之一,是故越來越多工程團隊推薦採用RFI軟體系統進行管理。另外,RFI中最重要的資訊—位置,皆是以2D圖紙的位置紀錄,在查閱上也較不方便,若是能連結釋疑與BIM模型,便能快速找到釋疑位置。 本研究嘗試於BIM軟體開發Revit API建立以BIM為基礎的工程釋疑協同系統,設計以BIM為基礎的工程釋疑協同模式,並以BIM最新國際標準ISO 19650為依據導入資訊管理過程、共通資料環境及資訊容器概念,做為開發此工程釋疑協同系統之依據。在設計及施工階段幫助工程團隊解決RFI因為紙本文件傳遞、跨單位協調困難以及處理流程缺少正規化而導致RFI延遲回覆以及狀態難以追蹤的問題,並且提供後續研究在ISO 19650 BIM協同系統上的參考。


ISO 19650 工程釋疑 BIM 協同作業


In the life cycle of a construction project, the design unit, construction contractor, co-contractor, and even property management company must be fully coordinated to deliver the results of the project to users from scratch. Due to the obvious or potential errors and blind spots in the project planning, design, and construction drawings in the process, and each professional unit has its specific knowledge, experience and perspective, how do the members of the engineering team deal with the engineering problems? Putting forward and answering questions about the project (Request For Information, RFI) has become the key to whether the project can be successfully delivered. However, according to a 2013 study conducted by Navigant Consulting, Inc. on a total of one million RFIs for construction projects around the world, the median time for responding to RFIs in Asia was about 10 days, and the total number of RFIs in the world was about 10 days. The average RFI processing cost is about US$1,080, and the unanswered RFI is even as high as 35%. One of the reasons for the failure to track and monitor RFI in a centralized storage method and standardized processes is that more and more engineering teams recommend the use of RFI software systems for management. In addition, the most important information in the RFI, the location, is the location record of the 2D drawing, which is also inconvenient to check. If you can link the interpretation and the BIM model, you can quickly find the interpretation location. This research attempts to establish a BIM-based engineering interpretation collaboration system based on the BIM software development Revit API, design a BIM-based engineering interpretation collaboration model, and introduce information management processes, a common data environment and a common data environment based on the latest BIM international standard ISO 19650. The concept of information container serves as the basis for the development of this project's doubt-clearing collaborative system. In the design and construction stages, it helped the engineering team solve the problems of delayed response and difficult tracking of RFI due to the transmission of paper documents, difficulties in cross-unit coordination and lack of formalization of the processing process, and provided follow-up research on the ISO 19650 BIM collaboration system.


ISO 19650 Request For Information BIM Collaboration


Contractor's Request For Information Definition. (2017年04月28日). American Council of Engineering Companies of Kansas (ACECK).
André Borrmann,Markus Konig,Christian Koch,Jakob Beetz. (2018). Building Information Modeling - Technology Foundations and Industry Practice. Springer Science+Business Media.
buildingSmart. (2021). BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) - buildingSMART Technical. 檢索來源: buildingSmart.org: https://technical.buildingsmart.org/standards/bcf/
Common data environment CDE - Designing Buildings Wiki. (2021年3月17日). 檢索來源: BIM WiKi: https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Common_data_environment_CDE
GENERAL INFORMATION. Document G716™ – 2004 Instructions. (2004). American Institute of Architects (AIA).
