  • 學位論文


Improve the stray currnet problem in track system by using a new material-conductive concrete

指導教授 : 段永定


現代鐵路系統(包括捷運、鐵路及高鐵)為了避免噪音、黑煙的排放等等因素的影響,鐵路系統都已經改採用電氣化的方式去運行。在便利的生活環境下,卻帶來了是雜散電流的問題。傳統處理雜散電流方法是與大地做絕緣,但是效果還有待探討,本論文以開發新工程材料為目的,採用國外已有相當成熟技術的新型智慧型材料「導電混凝土」應用在改善雜散電流的狀況。以導電混凝土的導電特性疏導雜散電流避免流散至地層,以試驗佐證導疏導狀況,並且與傳統與大地做絕緣來比較,證明其可行性與實用性。本論文利用導電混凝土的高導電性能且混凝土為比較惰性的材料,安全上的問題比較不用顧慮。利用導電混凝土這部分的強度設計成為捷運道床鋪設材料,用以改善捷運軌道上之雜散電流問題,並且考慮不新建結構物之情況與新建結構物之情況,使用導電混凝土的改善狀況。最終結果包含導電混凝土之抗壓強度與導電材料添加量的關係探討以及導電混凝土不同配比之導電材料之電阻值與電阻率,並且製作模擬試體以及模擬試體實際測試結果與Matlab Simulink程式模擬進行比較,證明使用導電混凝土可以改善軌道系統之雜散電流洩漏至大地問題。


The electrification of railway system, e.g. MRT, railway and high-speed rail, has resulted the stray current problem. Stray current could cause serious corrosion problem of underground structure. The common method to reduce stray current is to insulate the rail system with the earth in order to solve the problem. But the effectiveness of the insulation method is still needed to be proved. A new kind of material which is called “conductive concrete” was used in this study to solve the stray current problem in MRT. Conductive concrete can be installed under or aside the railway sleeper to improve the problem of stray current. In this study, laboratory specimens of conductive concrete containing steel fiber and graphite as conductive materials were prepared and tested for their electrical and mechanical properties according to the MRT’s specifications. The resistance of conductive concrete with various conductive material contents and resistivity of conductive materials were measured. Stray current problem cases were also simulated and analyzed using the Matlab Simulink software program. The results from the simulation were compared with the laboratory material test results. Recommendations of the application of conductive concrete for both rebuild and non-rebuild (as is) railway systems were included.


conductive concrete stray current


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