  • 學位論文


An Action Research on the Effect of APP Integrated into Differentiated Instruction on Students’ English Learning

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


現今數位科技的日新月異與普及化,讓學生接觸英語的管道非常多元化,對學習產生了別於以往的影響,教學媒體也從最早的圖卡、字卡、多媒體電腦至網際網路(Internet),以至近幾年的行動載具,其應用程式也越來越廣泛。 研究者於教學現場,發現在大班教學中,不同能力學習者對於同一性的英語教材內容,造成學生因學習內容太簡單或學校學習內容太難而有學習動機低落的問題,希望能透過融入循序漸進的英語學習應用程式( Application; App ),具有難度分級與聽、說、讀、寫的學習方式,增加學生成功的經驗。 本研究以國小六年級生為對象,採用行動研究法,了解並分析APP融入差異化教學對學生英語學習成效的影響。本研究藉著質化分析、課堂觀察與反思、前後測、態度量表,了解學習者在學習過程中的歷程與英語學習成效的轉變,此結果可供未來相關研究參考。 研究結果發現: 一、 APP融入差異化教學有助於提升全班與低成就學生學習成效。 二、 學生對於APP融入差異化教學具有正向回饋。 三、 完善的資訊設備為APP融入差異化教學成功之要素。 研究者根據研究結果,提出具體教學建議,以供日後APP融入差異化教學研究之參考依據:一、可擴大於不同場域或不同年齡層之研究對象,使其研究更全面。二、教學者可延長APP融入差異化教學期程,使不同學生學習進度之差異更顯著。三、研究者可設計依正式課程內容與不同學習者APP學習內容之測驗,以了解學習者間學習之差異。


APP 差異化教學 學習成效


Today's digital technology is so ever-changing and popularized that students can contact with plenty of English resources. Students’ learning style is different from the previous impact. The teaching medias are from the picture cards, word cards, computers, Internet to the mobile learning in recent years. The applications of mobile learning are used more and more widely. Researcher found that students thought that the English textbook content is too simple or too difficult to learn in a mixed-ability classrooms. The reasons result in students’ low motivation when learning English in the school. Researcher hope to find and apply an English learning application (App) with different levels for practicing listening, speaking, reading and writing in order to increase the successful experience of students. This study uses the action research method to understand and analyze the effect of APP integrated into differentiated instruction on students’ English learning. This study is based on qualitative analysis, classroom observation and reflection, before and after the test, and attitude scale to understand the changes of students’ English learning effect. The major findings of this study were as follows: I Integrate APP into differentiated instruction help the class and the low achievement to enhance the learning effect of students. II Students’ attitudes toward integrating APP into differentiated instruction were positive. III The sufficient 3C equipment and surroundings are the key point for a successful study. Based on the results of this study, some suggestions were given for teachers who are interested in integrating APP into differentiated instruction and for further research.


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