  • 學位論文


A study on Cross-Strait LED Lighting Industries and its’ Application Markets

指導教授 : 郭建中
共同指導教授 : 范錦明(Jin-Ming Fan)


自全球經濟風暴以來,全球開始重視地球將面對的環境問題,尤其相關能源資源的缺乏,使得人們逐漸認知到開源節流的重要性。而環保意識的抬頭,在提倡節能環保的大環境下,有「綠色照明光源」之稱的LED,因具有的節能、壽命長、免維護、控制度高與環保等特點,已成為世界各國的主要發展標的,成為全球綠經濟推動的主要動力。 台灣與中國在LED照明產業上分別擁有技術經驗與市場規模的雙重優勢,台灣的LED產業鏈從上游磊晶粒生產到下游的封裝皆有廠商深耕其中,有著完善的專業分工體系;中國則是憑藉著勞動力資源以及內需市場的優勢之下,吸引國際LED廠商轉移投資進駐,提供在產業技術上的借鏡與範本,因此也提升了中國的LED照明產業競爭潛力。 然而自中國的十城萬盞試點計畫的出爐,催生了大大小小的LED照明應用工程,照明市場商機的出現,帶動了兩岸LED照明產業的合作發展。台灣與中國現今積極建立穩固的合作發展平台,來促進LED技術的交流以及專利標準的規格化,因此隨著兩岸搭橋專業的進行,台灣與中國必須在產業水準與市場商機的提升之間取得平衡,本論文以SWOT分析針對兩岸LED照明產業的特性進行比較,並藉此尋找出最適合兩岸的競合策略方向,台灣與中國的產業發展在面對全球不同的外部環境之下,將形成一種合作導向底下的競爭態勢。


Since the Global Economic Storm, whole world starting to focus on the Earth will face environmental problems. Especially in energy-deficient, people gradually learned the importance of increased income and decrease expenditure. LED has energy saving, long life, maintenance-free, high controllability and environmental characteristics, which have become the world's main development of the subject. And LED also become the main driving force of the global green economy. Taiwan and China has the double advantage of technical experience and market size in the LED lighting industry. Taiwan has a complete industrial chain of LED and a perfect division of labor system. China has the advantage of labor resources and the domestic market, which attracted international LED manufacturers to invest. By getting industrial technology learn and templates, the competitive potential of LED lighting industry in China is growing. China’s “10 thousand lights in 10 cities”Lighting pilot project spawned a large and small LED lighting application engineering. The emergence of lighting market opportunities drive the development of cooperation of Cross-Strait LED lighting industry. In order to promote the exchange of LED technology and patent standards, Taiwan and China are actively building a solid platform for cooperation and development now. However, through the operation of the Cross-Strait Bridging Project, Taiwan and China must strike a balance between the upgrading of industrial standards and the growth of the market opportunities. Finally, By comparative analysis to investigate the LED industry between the Cross-Strait. And also through SWOT analysis to find out the applicable strategies of coopetition between Taiwan and China. In order to face under different external environment, the LED Industrial development in Taiwan and China will be formed under a cooperative orientation of the competitive situation.




