  • 學位論文


The Research of the Relationship among Transformational Leadership,Job Stress and Job Performance: A Study of M Company in Taiwan Beauty Industry.

指導教授 : 陳海鳴


在面對大環境不斷變動、競爭相形激烈的情況下,整體經濟環境呈現極端M型化 社會,越來越多女性可自由支配所得,故美容服務產業也出現龍爭虎鬥的情況,若比競爭者更能適應快速變遷的環境,將有助於企業成為該產業的龍頭並永續經營。由於轉換型領導強調個別關懷及智力啟發,有助於員工適應快速變遷的環境,並進一步以領導者個人之魅力引導成員投入組織規劃的願景中。本研究發現,透過轉換型領導確實可有效降低員工在工作上之壓力,並進而有效提升員工之工作績效。藉由本研究探討美容服務產業-M公司主管轉換型領導、工作壓力與工作績效之關聯性。 本研究以M公司全省38家門市第一線員工為研究對象,對所有第一線員工採用問卷調查方式,共發出425份問卷,回收有效問卷319 份,有效回收率為75.06%。主要是運用單因子變異數分析、相關分析以及迴歸分析等統計分析方法。 研究結果顯示如下: 1.主管採轉換型領導程度越高,則員工之工作壓力越小,推論因轉換型領導著重於個別關懷及智力啟發,故可有效降低員工之工作壓力。 2.主管採取轉換型領導對工作績效之行為面及成果面皆有正向影響。因領導者本身之魅力可使成員感受到信任、讚美,進而表現出比預期更多的工作效率;並且透過建立願景,讓成員朝向共同之目標努力,進而提升工作成果方面之績效。 3.員工工作壓力確實對轉換型領導與工作績效間產生中介影響,因此建議企業在採取轉換型領導時,亦應考量員工工作壓力,意即在領導者之魅力及建構未來願景引領下,員工經由適度的壓力,投入組織共同為目標而努力達成工作績效。 研究貢獻: 過去在美容服務產業的相關文獻上,大多著重在整體的競爭策略分析,鮮少提及 細部管理,如領導模式對個別工作壓力及績效之影響,因此本研究應能補足國內在此方面研究之不足,提供給美容服務產業之管理者及主管領導方式之參考。


Faced with the rapidly changing economic society, and increasing competition, the 'M-shape society' is becoming more remarkably obvious than before. More and more women can distribute their income, which makes the competition among relevant beauty industries thrive than ever. Under this circumstance, the ability to be the first one accustomed to economic environment changing from one minute to the next would facilitate the industry to be in the leading position and to operate permanently. Transformational leadership emphasizing on giving individual care and inspiring individual IQ could help employees to fit in the fast changing environment, and furthermore, could lead the members to dedicate themselves to the vision of organization. Through this research, transformational leadership is found to be able to reduce the employee’s job stress, and promote job performance. The research focuses on the relationship among transformational leadership, job stress and job performance of M company, a beauty industry. The 425 questionnaires are sent to the M company’s 38 shops first line employees of Taiwan. The valid questionnaires are 319 and the percentage is 75.06%. Anova analysis、pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis are used to analyze the data.. The research results are as follows: 1. The more the manager takes transformational leadership, the less job stress the employees feel. Therefore, it can be inferred that because transformational leadership focus on individual care and IQ inspiration, the stress is lowered as a result. 2. Transformational leadership has a positive effect on job performance including the behavior and result dimensions. It is because a transformational leadership has a charm characteristic to make members feel trusted, praised, and make them perform better than expected. Moreover, through making a vision, leaders could motivate members to work for common goals, and working result is elevated naturally. 3. It is found that job stress of employees has the intermediate effect on the relationship between transformational leadership and job performance. Therefore, manger should consider job stress of the employees as taking transformational leadership. In other words, guide by the charm of leader and vision, employees dedicate into work and reach the goals with appropriate job stress. The contribution of the research: Researches of beauty industries used to focus on the analysis of competing strategies, and rarely emphasized on management issues such as the model of leadership affecting employees’ job stress and performance. As the research result, this survey should be able to fill in the blank of research and be served as a reference for managers or leaders in beauty industries.


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蔡宜儒(2015)。醫療機構職場友誼對工作績效之影響- 知識分享與工作壓力的中介作用〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2015.00169
