  • 學位論文


A study on Chile’s export market diversification strategy

指導教授 : 林欽明


智利為世界上最自由開放的經濟體之一,近年來以出口導向政策積極拓展多樣化的產品與市場。本研究主要從由自由貿易協定、全球生產網路、政策網絡與國家品牌行銷四個層面來探討智利的出口市場多樣化策略。 本研究發現智利的出口市場逐漸趨於分散,而且其擴展的市場並不局限於區域內而是全球性的,因而智利的產業成為全球生產網絡中的一環。 產業聚落的形成、國家品牌的推廣、自由貿易協定的簽署都是協助開發多樣市場的政策工具,藉由這些政策的推動與不斷的創新升級,為智利在全球競爭中提供充足能量,這些能量也使智利產業獲得更健全的發展。


Chile is one of the most liberal and open economy in the world, actively pursuing export-oriented policies, in recent decades, in expanding and diversifying its production and export markets. The main purpose of this study is to explore Chile’s export diversification strategy from the perspectives of free trade Agreements, global production network, policy network and national branding. The study found out that Chile is increasingly diversifying its export markets which are global rather than regional. Therefore Chile has become a member of the global production network. With implementation and continuous innovations in policy instruments of developing diversified markets such as forming industrial clustering, promotion of national brand and signing FTAs. Chile has built a competitive capability which helped in achieving a healthy industrial development.


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