  • 學位論文


The Effect of Gender Differences in Management Stratum on Earnings Management Options

指導教授 : 張瑀珊




The objective of this study was to determine whether gender differences exist in the management of listed firms in China with regard to earnings management and examine the influence of auditor industry specialization. This study investigated listed firms in China from 2008 to 2015. The empirical results revealed a significant negative correlation between male executives (presidents and general managers) and accrual-based earnings management. The gender proportions of the management also exerted a significant influence on preferences in earnings management; firms with a management team comprising mostly of females tended to choose accrual-based earnings management rather than real earnings management, while firms with a management team comprising mostly of males showed the opposite. With regard to auditor industry specialization, the interaction of auditor industry specialization and female executives showed no significant correlation, while the interaction of auditor industry specialization and the proportion of females in management displayed a significant negative correlation with real earnings management. In contrast, the interactions of auditor industry specialization with male executives and the proportion of males in management displayed significant positive correlation with real earnings management, which indicates that the earnings management behavior chosen indeed varies with gender. The results of this study show that the genders of executives and managers are crucial factors that influence earnings management choices and should be taken into consideration in future research.


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